Antioxidant Levels and Inhibition of Cancer Cell Proliferation in Vitro by Extracts from Organically and Conventionally Cultivated Strawberries
Olsson, M. E.; Andersson, C. S.; Oredsson, S.; Berglund, R. H.; Gustavsson, K. E.
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2006, 54(4), 1248-55.
The Role of Profilin And Lipid Transfer Protein In Strawberry Allergy in The Mediterranean Area
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Berry Good For You
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Inhibitory Effect on Activator Protein-1, Nuclear Factor-KappaB, and Cell Transformation by Extracts of Strawberries (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.)
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Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2005, 53(10), 4187-93.
Antioxidant Levels and Inhibition of Cancer Cell Proliferation in Vitro by Extracts from Organically and Conventionally Cultivated Strawberries
Olsson, M. E.; Andersson, C. S.; Oredsson, S.; Berglund, R. H.; Gustavsson, K. E.
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2006, 54(4), 1248-55.
Strawberry and Its Anthocyanins Reduce Oxidative Stress-Induced Apoptosis in PC12 Cells
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Potential Impact of Strawberries on Human Health: A Review of the Science
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Inhibitory Effect of Whole Strawberries, Garlic Juice or Kale Juice on Endogenous Formation of N-nitrosodimethylamine in Humans
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Bioactive Substances and Health Benefits of Strawberries
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Anticarcinogenic Activity of Strawberry, Blueberry, and Raspberry Extracts to Breast and Cervical Cancer Cells
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Journal of Medicinal Food, 2001, 4(1), 49-52
Inhibition of N-nitrosomethylbenzylamine-Induced Tumorigenesis in the Rat Esophagus by Dietary Freeze-Dried Strawberries
Peter S. Carlton; Laura A. Kresty; Joseph C. Siglin; Mark A. Morse; Jerry Lu; Charlotte Morgan
Carcinogenesis, 2001, 22(3), 441-446
Effect of Fruits, Vegetables, or Vitamin E--Rich Diet on Vitamins E and C Distribution in Peripheral and Brain Tissues: Implications for Brain Function
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Antioxidant-Rich Diets Improve Cerebellar Physiology and Motor Learning in Aged Rats
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Brain Research, 2000, 866(1-2), 211-7
Isothiocyanates and Freeze-Dried Strawberries as Inhibitors of Esophageal Cancer
Stoner, Gary D.; Kresty, Laura A.; Morse, Mark A.
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Long-Term Dietary Strawberry, Spinach, or Vitamin E Supplementation Retards the Onset of Age-Related Neuronal Signal-Transduction and Cognitive Behavioral Deficits
Joseph JA; Shukitt-Hale B; Denisova NA; Prior RL; Cao G; Martin A; Taglialatela G; Bickford PC
The Journal of Neuroscience, 1998, 18(19), 8047-55