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“The ability of a yeast-derived cell wall preparation to minimize the toxic effects of high-ergot alkaloid tall fescue straw in beef cattle1,2”, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 858481718063858182736468605258817958135167551872701571734670103216975665444477265312215MP80–A4919, no. 10Suppl. 1Suppl. 1Suppl. 1Suppl. 14, pp. 2596 - 2605, 2007.
, “Abiotic Stresses Modulate Landscape of Poplar Transcriptome via Alternative Splicing, Differential Intron Retention, and Isoform Ratio Switching.”, Frontiers in plant science, vol. 9, p. 5, 2018.
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, “Abundance of humpback whales in Oceania using photo-identification and microsatellite genotyping”, Marine Ecology Progress Series, vol. 453, pp. 249 - 261, 2012.
, “The abundant marine bacterium Pelagibacter simultaneously catabolizes dimethylsulfoniopropionate to the gases dimethyl sulfide and methanethiol.”, Nat Microbiol, vol. 1, no. 8, p. 16065, 2016.
, “Acequias and the Effects of Climate Change”, Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education, vol. 1511364147, no. 112, pp. 84 - 94, 2013.
, “Acetic acid inhibits nutrient uptake in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: auxotrophy confounds the use of yeast deletion libraries for strain improvement.”, Appl Microbiol Biotechnol, vol. 97, no. 16, pp. 7405-16, 2013.
, “Active-distributed temperature sensing to continuously quantify vertical flow in boreholes”, Water Resources Research, vol. 50, pp. 3706–3713, 2014.
, “Adaptability and Yield of Eleven Grasses Grown on the Oregon High Desert”, Journal of Range Management, vol. 11, no. 5, p. 235, 1958.
, “The Adaptation for Conservation Targets (ACT) framework: a tool for incorporating climate change into natural resource management”, Environmental Management, vol. 50, pp. 341–351, 2012.
“The Adaptation for Conservation Targets (ACT) framework: a tool for incorporating climate change into natural resource management”, Environmental Management, vol. 50, pp. 341–351, 2012.
“Adaptation of the human aryl hydrocarbon receptor to sense microbiota-derived indoles”, Scientific reports, vol. 5, 2015.
, “Adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells enhance healing of mandibular defects in the ramus of swine.”, J Oral Maxillofac Surg, vol. 70, no. 3, pp. e193-203, 2012.
, “The adsorption and competitive adsorption of bile salts and whey protein at the oil–water interface”, Soft Matter, vol. 7, pp. 8942–8951, 2011.
, “Advanced Morphological — Behavioral Test Platform Reveals Neurodevelopmental Defects in Embryonic Zebrafish Exposed to Comprehensive Suite of Halogenated and Organophosphate Flame Retardants”, Toxicological Sciences, vol. 145, no. 1, pp. 177 - 195, 2015.
, “Advanced morphological - behavioral test platform reveals neurodevelopmental defects in embryonic zebrafish exposed to comprehensive suite of halogenated and organophosphate flame retardants.”, Toxicol Sci, vol. 145, no. 1, pp. 177-95, 2015.
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, “Advances in DNA-based techniques for the detection of seafood species substitution on the commercial market.”, J Lab Autom, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 308-21, 2011.
, “Advances in dryland farming in the inland Pacific Northwest”, WSU Extension Service, Pullman, Washington, PNW697, 2017.
, “Advancing toxicology research using in vivo high throughput toxicology with small fish models.”, ALTEX, vol. 33, no. 4, pp. 435-452, 2016.
, “Advancing toxicology research using in vivo high throughput toxicology with small fish models.”, ALTEX, vol. 33, no. 4, pp. 435-452, 2016.
, “Advancing toxicology research using in vivo high throughput toxicology with small fish models.”, ALTEX, 2016.
, “Advancing toxicology research using in vivo high throughput toxicology with small fish models.”, ALTEX, 2016.
, “Adverse effects of parental zinc deficiency on metal homeostasis and embryonic development in a zebrafish model.”, J Nutr Biochem, vol. 43, pp. 78-87, 2017.