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“Atmospheric Flux Measurements”, in Handbook of Environmental Fluid Dynamics, Volume Two: Systems, Pollution, Modeling, and Measurements, CRC Press, 2012, pp. 519–534.
, “Basic Principles of Spectroscopy”, in Food Analysis, 4th ed., Springer: Suzanne Nielsen, Ed., 2010.
, “Betulaceae – Corylus avellana – hazelnut”, in The encyclopedia of fruit and nuts, CAB International., Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2008, pp. 161-172.
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, “Chapter 2: Soils and Topography”, in Country pasture/forage resource profile for the United States of America, 2011.
, “Comparison of Screw Cap and Cork Closure Effect on Volatile Sulfur Development during Post-Bottle Ageing”, in Flavour Science, Elsevier, 2014, pp. 267–271.
, “Determination of quality parameters for Pacific whiting (M. productus)”, in Hake fisheries, ecology and markets, 1st ed., London : Chapman & Hall, 1995.
, “Determination of quality parameters for Pacific whiting (M. productus)”, in Hake fisheries, ecology and markets, 1st ed., London : Chapman & Hall, 1995.
, “Flow and nutrient-based classification of Lake Michigan coastal riverine wetlands”, in Coastal Wetlands of the Laurentian Great Lakes: Health, Habitat, and Indicators, Bloomington, IN: Authorhouse Press, 2007.
, “Forage systems for Arid Zones”, Iowa State Press , 2005.
, “Forage systems for Arid Zones”, in Forages, Volume II. The Science of Grassland Agriculture , 6th ed., vol. 2, Iowa State Press, 2005, pp. 323-339.
, “Global markets and products of hake”, in Hake fisheries, ecology and markets, 1st ed., London : Chapman & Hall, 1995.
, “Nitrogen Mineralization and Assimilation at Millimeter Scales”, in Methods in Enzymolog, vol. 496, 2011.
, “Persistence of Biochar in Soil”, in Biochar for Environmental Management: Science, Technology and Implementation, Second., 2015.
, “Pollination crises in the agro-ecosystems of the tropics: challenges and way forward”, in Agroecology, ecosystems and sustainability in the tropics, New Delhi: Studera Press, 2007.
, “Protocols for Micropropagation of Selected Economically-Important Horticultural Plants”, Springer. NY: , 2012.
, “Recommendations of the workshop group on quality assurance for hake”, in Hake fisheries, ecology and markets, 1st ed., London : Chapman & Hall, 1995.
, “Seed germination”, in Plant Developmental Biology - Biotechnological Perspectives, Heidelberg: Springer, 2010, pp. 383-404.
, “Seed microRNA research”, in Seed Biology, Development and Ecology, Wallingford: CAB International, 2007, pp. 354-364.
, “A Seed-GUS-Expression enhancer-trap library for germination research”, in Seed Biology, Development and Ecology, Wallingford: CAB International, 2007, pp. 159-168.
, “Sustainable Landscapes and Gardens: Good Science - Practical Application”, in Sustainable Landscapes and Gardens, Good Fruit Grower Publishing., 2009.
, “The afternoon and early-evening decay of turbulent kinetic energy over different land surfaces”, in 10th EMS Annual Meeting, 10th European Conference on Applications of Meteorology (ECAM) Abstracts, held Sept. 13-17, 2010 in Zürich, Switzerland. http://meetings. copernicus. org/ems2010/, id. EMS2010-366, 2010.
, “The afternoon and early-evening decay of turbulent kinetic energy over different land surfaces”, in 10th EMS Annual Meeting, 10th European Conference on Applications of Meteorology (ECAM) Abstracts, held Sept. 13-17, 2010 in Zürich, Switzerland. http://meetings. copernicus. org/ems2010/, id. EMS2010-366, 2010.
, “The Atmospheric Boundary Layer at the Aletsch Glacier (3600 m-Switzerland)”, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2003.