
Found 1781 results
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S. C. Baker, Galletti, B., Childerhouse, S., Jr., R. L. Brownell, Friedlander, A., Gales, N., Hall, A., Jackson, J. A., Leaper, R., Perryman, W., Steel, D. S., Valenzuela, L., and Zerbini, A., Report of the Symposium and Workshop on Living Whales in the Southern Ocean: Puerto Varas, Chile 27-29 March 2012, Panama City, Panama, 2012.
S. C. Baker, Galletti, B., Childerhouse, S., Jr., R. L. Brownell, Friedlander, A., Gales, N., Hall, A., Jackson, J. A., Leaper, R., Perryman, W., Steel, D. S., Valenzuela, L., and Zerbini, A., Report of the Symposium and Workshop on Living Whales in the Southern Ocean: Puerto Varas, Chile 27-29 March 2012, Panama City, Panama, 2012.
J. Goodwin, Porensky, L., Meiman, P., Wilmer, H., and O'Connor, R., Rangeland Ecosystem Services: Connecting Nature and People, 2023.
J. D. Bates, Bingham, B. S., Bohnert, D. W., Boyd, C. S., Buckhouse, J., Carpinelli, M. F., Davies, K. W., Deboodt, T., Doescher, P. S., Fisher, M. J., Ganskopp, D. C., Hardegree, S. P., Johnson, D. W., Krueger-Mangold, J. M., Miller, R. F., Pierson, F. B., Ratchford, J., Rhodes, E. C., Sharp, R. N., Sheley, R., Svejcar, T., Vasquez, E. A., and Young, K., Range Field Day Progress Report - 2008 EOARC, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 2008.
J. D. Bates, Bingham, B. S., Bohnert, D. W., Boyd, C. S., Buckhouse, J., Carpinelli, M. F., Davies, K. W., Deboodt, T., Doescher, P. S., Fisher, M. J., Ganskopp, D. C., Hardegree, S. P., Johnson, D. W., Krueger-Mangold, J. M., Miller, R. F., Pierson, F. B., Ratchford, J., Rhodes, E. C., Sharp, R. N., Sheley, R., Svejcar, T., Vasquez, E. A., and Young, K., Range Field Day Progress Report - 2008 EOARC, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 2008.
B. Sorte and P., L., Polk County Agriculture and Food Economic Development Initiative: Options to Consider, 2014.
J. Pscheidt and Ocamb, C., PNW Plant Disease Management Handbook, 2016.
B. Sorte, P., L., and P., O., Oregon Agriculture and the Economy: An Update, 2011.
B. Sorte, P., L., and P., O., Oregon Agriculture and the Economy: An Update, 2011.
R. E. Peachey, A New Option for Orchard Floor Management, 2011.
S. I. Rondon, Price, J. F., and Cantliffe, D. J., Neoseiulus californicus McGregor (Acari: Phytoseiidae): a predatory mite species for controlling two-spotted spider mite in strawberries, University of Florida, Horticultural Sciences Department, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, HS245, 2005.
J. Florence and Pscheidt, J., Mummy Berry Management in the Pacific Northwest, 2015.
N. T. Schmitt, MC, D., CS, B., N, G., Childerhouse, S., AM, P., DJ, S., Albertson, G. R., C, O., C, G., M. Poole, M., R, H., R, C., D, P., CS, J., SN, J., and R, P., Mixed stock analysis of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) on Antarctic feeding grounds, 2015.
T. Delcurto, Porath, M., Mc Innis, M., Momont, P. A., and Parsons, C., Management strategies for optimal beef cattle distribution and use of mountain riparian meadows, 1999.
T. Delcurto, Porath, M., Mc Innis, M., Momont, P. A., and Parsons, C., Management strategies for optimal beef cattle distribution and use of mountain riparian meadows, 1999.
S. I. Rondon, Price, J. F., and Cantliffe, D. J., Integrating biological control of two-spotted spider mite into integrated pest management practices, 2005.
A. Schreiber, Jensen, A. S., Pike, K., Alvarez, J. M., and Rondon, S. I., Integrated Pest Management guidelines for insects and mites in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington Potatoes, 2007.
D. Holland, P., L., B., S., and B., W., How Economically Interdependent is the Portland Metro Core with its Rural Periphery? A Comparison Across Two Decades, Rural Studies Program Working Paper Series, 2009.
D. Holland, P., L., B., S., and B., W., How Economically Interdependent is the Portland Metro Core with its Rural Periphery?, 2010.
S. Porter and M., E., Household and Economic Factors Associated with Geographic and School Mobility among Low Income Children, Rural Studies Program Working Paper Series, 2014.
M. Edwards, C., H., P., M., S., P., and B., W., The Great Recession and SNAP Caseloads: A Tale of Two States, Rural Studies Program Working Paper Series, 2014.
O. M, M. Poole, M., Albertson, G. R., and Baker, C. S., Genetic and demographic assessment of population status for the rough-toothed dolphin (Steno bredanensis) around the Society Islands, French Polynesia, 2012.
M. Moyer, Grove, G., and Pscheidt, J., Field Guide for Integrated Pest Management in Pacific Northwest Vineyards, 2013.
T. Svejcar, Paintner, K. J., and Ganskopp, D. C., Field Day Report. Special Report #935. Management of Great Basin Rangelands: Stand Establishment from Seeded Native Grasses, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1994.
V. Stockwell, Shaffer, B. T., Henkels, M. D., Pscheidt, J., and Loper, J. E., Factors influencing efficacy of plastic shelters for control of bacterial blight of lilac, 2011.