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T. Nusawardani, Kroemer, J. A., Choi, M. - Y., and Jurenka, R. A., Identification and characterization of the pyrokinin/pheromone biosynthesis activating neuropeptide family of G protein-coupled receptors from Ostrinia nubilalis, Insect Molecular Biology, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 331 - 340, 2013.
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A. F. Murphy, Moreno, A., Fereres, A., and Rondon, S. I., International endeavors in investigating Potato Virus Y transmission, 98th Annual Meeting of the Potato Association of America. Potato Association of America, Spokane, Washington, p. 37, 2014.
G. W. Mueller-Warrant, Griffith, S. M., Whittaker, G. W., Banowetz, G. M., Pfender, W. F., Garcia, T. S., and Giannico, G. R., Impact of land use patterns and agricultural practices on water quality in the Calapooia River Basin of western Oregon, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, vol. 67, no. 3, pp. 183 - 201, 2012.
J. E. Mu, McCarl, B. A., Hagerman, A., and Bessler, D., Impacts of BSE and Avian Influenza on U.S. Meat Demand, Journal of Integrative Agriculture, vol. 14, pp. 1130-1141, 2015.
K. M. Moyes, ørensen, P., and Bionaz, M., The Impact of Intramammary Escherichia coli Challenge on Liver and Mammary Transcriptome and Cross-Talk in Dairy Cows during Early Lactation Using RNAseq, PLOS ONE, vol. 11784492359591349771295595441714191123571172528832849825268992611093220131812873176217139859321461199015842102815620894203, no. 6Suppl 1, p. e0157480, 2016.
K. M. Moyes, Sørensen, P., and Bionaz, M., The Impact of Intramammary Escherichia coli Challenge on Liver and Mammary Transcriptome and Cross-Talk in Dairy Cows during Early Lactation Using RNAseq., PLoS One, vol. 11, no. 6, p. e0157480, 2016.
K. M. Moyes, ørensen, P., and Bionaz, M., The Impact of Intramammary Escherichia coli Challenge on Liver and Mammary Transcriptome and Cross-Talk in Dairy Cows during Early Lactation Using RNAseq, PLOS ONE, vol. 11784492359591349771295595441714191123571172528832849825268992611093220131812873176217139859321461199015842102815620894203, no. 6Suppl 1, p. e0157480, 2016.
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