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“Insecticide detection and nitrogen management for irrigated potatoes using remote sending from small unmanned aircraft systems”, Society of Photo-optical instrumentation engineers, vol. V9866-21. 2016.
, “Interactions of Riparian Zones and Grazing as Related to Water Quality”, Second Annual Intermountain Agriculture Conferenc. Klamath Falls, OR, 1994.
, “Issues in Grazing Livestock Nutrition”, Proc. 4th Grazing Livestock Nutrition Conference. West. Sect. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci., Champaign, IL, pp. 1-10, 2010.
, “Management Considerations for Beef Cows with Emphasis on Offspring Performance and Cow Nutrient Requirements”, Pacific Northwest Animal Nutrition Conference. Oregon State University, Boise, Idaho, pp. 107-118, 2020.
, “Modelling Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) Phenological Development. ”, 2nd World Alfalfa Congress. Cordoba, Argentina, 2018.
, “Monitoring aphids in seed and commercial potato fields in Oregon”, 75th annual Pacific Northwest Insect Management Conference. Pacific Northwest Insect Management Conference, Portland, Oregon, pp. 59-62, 2016.
, “Multi-label Classification for Multi-Species Distribution Modeling”, Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Machine Learning. 2011.
, “Nutrition and parturition date effects elk: Potential implications for research and management”, Transactions of the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference 69. 2004.
, “Nutritional considerations of grass seed straw for beef cattle”, Pacific Northwest Animal Nutrition. 2011.
, “Protein Supplementation of Low-Quality Forage: Effects of Amount and Frequency on Intake and Nutrient Digestibility by Lambs”, Proc. West. Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. 2012.
, “Protein supplementation of ruminants consuming low-quality cool- or warm-season forage: Differences in intake and digestibility”, American Society of Animal Science - Western Section, vol. 58, no. 11. 2007.
, “Is The Range Condition Concept Compatible With Ecosystem Dynamics?”, Annual Meeting Society for Range Management. Spokane, Washington, 1992.
, “Range Sites: Are they the appropriate spatial unit for measuring and managing rangelands?”, 2000 Annual Meeting of the Society for Range Management. Boise, ID, 2002.
, “Range Sites: Are they the appropriate spatial unit for measuring and managing rangelands?”, 2000 Annual Meeting of the Society for Range Management . Boise, ID, 2002.
, “Range Sites: Are they the appropriate spatial unit for measuring and managing rangelands?”, 2000 Annual Meeting of the Society for Range Management. Boise, ID, 2002.
, “Range Sites: Are they the appropriate spatial unit for measuring and managing rangelands?”, 2000 Annual Meeting of the Society for Range Management . Boise, ID, 2002.
, “Rapid detection of Colorado potato beetle damage using small unmanned aircraft”, Agricultural remote sensing symposium: challenges and opportunities. Agricultural remote sensing symposium, 2015.
, “Section II: Bees and Pollinators”, 77th Annual Pacific Northwest Insect Management Conference Research Reports. Portland, Oregon, USA, 2018.
, “Section II: Bees and Pollinators”, 77th Annual Pacific Northwest Insect Management Conference Research Reports. Portland, Oregon, USA, 2018.
, “A serological assay for the detection of the nonstructural protein (NSs) of Iris yellow spot virus and its use in virus detection in plant and thrips vectors”, IX International Symposium on Thysanoptera and Topoviruses. International Symposium on Thysanoptera and Topoviruses, pp. 134-135, 2009.
, “Spring-seeded annual forages differ in response to partial-season irrigation”, ASA-CSSA Meeting. ASA-CSSA-SSSA, Baltimore, Maryland, 2018.
, “Summer-seeded annual forages differ in response to partial-season irrigation”, ASA-CSSA Meeting. ASA-CSSA-SSSA, Baltimore, Maryland, 2018.
, “Supplementing a Yeast-Derived Product to Enhance Productive and Health Responses of Feeder Steers”, American Society of Animal Science, Western Section. Oregon State University, Fargo, North Dakota, 2017.
, “Supplementing a Yeast-Derived Product to Enhance Productive and Health Responses of Feeder Steers”, American Society of Animal Science, Western Section. Oregon State University, Fargo, North Dakota, 2017.
, “Supplementing CA Salts of Soybean Oil to Late-Gestating Beef Cows: Impacts on Performance and Physiological Responses of the Offspring”, vol. 4. Translational Animal Science, pp. S22-S26, 2020.