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P. S. Hughes and E Baxter, D., Beer: Quality, safety and nutritional aspects. Royal Society of Chemistry, 2007.
D. W. Bohnert, Borman, M. M., Cappellozza, B. Ieda, Cooke, R. F., Delcurto, T., Falck, S. J., Johnson, D. E., Marques, R. S., Mueller, C. J., Reis, M. M., and Williams, J., Beef Research Report: 2014 Edition, Oregon State University, 2014.
D. W. Bohnert, Borman, M. M., Cappellozza, B. Ieda, Cooke, R. F., Delcurto, T., Falck, S. J., Johnson, D. E., Marques, R. S., Mueller, C. J., Reis, M. M., and Williams, J., Beef Research Report: 2014 Edition, Oregon State University, 2014.
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J. D. Bates, Boyd, C. S., Davies, K. W., and Svejcar, T., Beef Research Report - 2010 Edition. Oregon State University Beef Cattle Sciences 2010 Edition, 2010.
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S. A. Boyle, Yarwood, R. R., Bottomley, P. J., and Myrold, D. D., Bacterial and fungal contributions to soil nitrogen cycling under Douglas fir and red alder at two sites in Oregon, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 443 - 451, 2008.
S. A. Boyle, Yarwood, R. R., Bottomley, P. J., and Myrold, D. D., Bacterial and fungal contributions to soil nitrogen cycling under Douglas fir and red alder at two sites in Oregon, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 443 - 451, 2008.
L. H. Zeglin, Taylor, A. E., Myrold, D. D., and Bottomley, P. J., Bacterial and archaeal amoA gene distribution covaries with soil nitrification properties across a range of land uses, Environmental Microbiology Reports, vol. 3, no. 6, pp. 717 - 726, 2011.
J. Nesme, Achouak, W., Agathos, S. N., Bailey, M., Baldrian, P., Brunel, D., ård, Å., Heulin, T., Jansson, J. K., Jurkevitch, E., Kruus, K. L., Kowalchuk, G. A., Lagares, A., Lappin-Scott, H. M., Lemanceau, P., Le Paslier, D., Mandic-Mulec, I., J. Murrell, C., Myrold, D. D., Nalin, R., Nannipieri, P., Neufeld, J. D., O'Gara, F., Parnell, J. J., Pühler, A., Pylro, V., Ramos, J. L., Roesch, L. F. W., Schloter, M., Schleper, C., Sczyrba, A., Sessitsch, A., Sjöling, S., ørensen, J., ørensen, ørenJ., Tebbe, C. C., Topp, E., Tsiamis, G., van Elsas, J. Dirk, van Keulen, G., Widmer, F., Wagner, M., Zhang, T., Zhang, X., Zhao, L., Zhu, Y. - G., Vogel, T. M., and Simonet, P., Back to the Future of Soil Metagenomics, Frontiers in Microbiology, vol. 7, no. 73, 2016.
J. Nesme, Achouak, W., Agathos, S. N., Bailey, M., Baldrian, P., Brunel, D., ård, Å., Heulin, T., Jansson, J. K., Jurkevitch, E., Kruus, K. L., Kowalchuk, G. A., Lagares, A., Lappin-Scott, H. M., Lemanceau, P., Le Paslier, D., Mandic-Mulec, I., J. Murrell, C., Myrold, D. D., Nalin, R., Nannipieri, P., Neufeld, J. D., O'Gara, F., Parnell, J. J., Pühler, A., Pylro, V., Ramos, J. L., Roesch, L. F. W., Schloter, M., Schleper, C., Sczyrba, A., Sessitsch, A., Sjöling, S., ørensen, J., ørensen, ørenJ., Tebbe, C. C., Topp, E., Tsiamis, G., van Elsas, J. Dirk, van Keulen, G., Widmer, F., Wagner, M., Zhang, T., Zhang, X., Zhao, L., Zhu, Y. - G., Vogel, T. M., and Simonet, P., Back to the Future of Soil Metagenomics, Frontiers in Microbiology, vol. 7, no. 73, 2016.
J. Nesme, Achouak, W., Agathos, S. N., Bailey, M., Baldrian, P., Brunel, D., ård, Å., Heulin, T., Jansson, J. K., Jurkevitch, E., Kruus, K. L., Kowalchuk, G. A., Lagares, A., Lappin-Scott, H. M., Lemanceau, P., Le Paslier, D., Mandic-Mulec, I., J. Murrell, C., Myrold, D. D., Nalin, R., Nannipieri, P., Neufeld, J. D., O'Gara, F., Parnell, J. J., Pühler, A., Pylro, V., Ramos, J. L., Roesch, L. F. W., Schloter, M., Schleper, C., Sczyrba, A., Sessitsch, A., Sjöling, S., ørensen, J., ørensen, ørenJ., Tebbe, C. C., Topp, E., Tsiamis, G., van Elsas, J. Dirk, van Keulen, G., Widmer, F., Wagner, M., Zhang, T., Zhang, X., Zhao, L., Zhu, Y. - G., Vogel, T. M., and Simonet, P., Back to the Future of Soil Metagenomics, Frontiers in Microbiology, vol. 7, no. 73, 2016.
A. M. Bartuszevige and Gorchov, D. L., Avian Seed Dispersal of an Invasive Shrub, Biological Invasions, vol. 8150131471101429916614494410691311837911314554133164673138101814013958751396212887511163611299189752284161221191211314, no. 5Supplement, pp. 1013 - 1022, 2006.
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K. W. Davies, Bates, J. D., and Hulet, A., Attempting to restore mountain big sagebrush ( Artemisia tridentata ssp. vaseyana) four years after fire, Restoration Ecology, no. 5, pp. 717 - 722, 2017.
J. D. Bates and Davies, K. W., Attempting to Restore Herbaceous Understories in Wyoming Big Sagebrush Communities with Mowing and Seeding, Restoration Ecology, vol. 22716465201507564773910774733061636359604865651448894218204757787121562028310411050793013712350231, no. 5, pp. 608 - 615, 2014.
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I. Balin, Parlange, M., Higgins, C. W., Nessler, R., Calipini, B., Simeonov, V., and Van den Bergh, H., The Atmospheric Boundary Layer at the Aletsch Glacier (3600 m-Switzerland), in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2003.