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Journal Article
A. M. Alexander, Steel, D., Hoekzema, K., Mesnick, S. L., Engelhaupt, D., Kerr, I., Payne, R., and C. Baker, S., What influences the worldwide genetic structure of sperm whales ( Physeter macrocephalus )?, Molecular Ecology, vol. 25, no. 12, pp. 2754 - 2772, 2016.
E. L. Hazen, Palacios, D. M., Forney, K. A., Howell, E. A., Becker, E., Hoover, A. L., Irvine, L., DeAngelis, M., Bograd, S. J., Mate, B. R., and Bailey, H., WhaleWatch: a dynamic management tool for predicting blue whale density in the California Current, Journal of Applied Ecology, 2016.
E. L. Hazen, Palacios, D. M., Forney, K. A., Howell, E. A., Becker, E., Hoover, A. L., Irvine, L., DeAngelis, M., Bograd, S. J., Mate, B. R., and Bailey, H., WhaleWatch: a dynamic management tool for predicting blue whale density in the California Current, Journal of Applied Ecology, 2016.
E. L. Hazen, Palacios, D. M., Forney, K. A., Howell, E. A., Becker, E., Hoover, A. L., Irvine, L., DeAngelis, M., Bograd, S. J., Mate, B. R., and Bailey, H., WhaleWatch: a dynamic management tool for predicting blue whale density in the California Current, Journal of Applied Ecology, 2016.
C. Bishop, Xu, F., Xu, J., Ting, A. Y., Galbreath, E., McGee, W. K., Zelinski, M. B., Hennebold, J. D., Cameron, J. L., and Stouffer, R. L., Western-style diet, with and without chronic androgen treatment, alters the number, structure, and function of small antral follicles in ovaries of young adult monkeys, Fertility and Sterility, vol. 105, no. 4, pp. 1023 - 1034, 2016.
T. Svejcar, Boyd, C. S., Davies, K. W., Madsen, M. D., Bates, J. D., Sheley, R., Marlow, C., Bohnert, D. W., Borman, M. M., Mata-González, R., Buckhouse, J., Stringham, T., Perryman, B., Swanson, S., Tate, K., George, M., Ruyle, G., Roundy, B. A., Call, C., Jensen, K., Launchbaugh, K., Gearhart, A., Vermeire, L., Tanaka, J. A., Derner, J., Frasier, G., and Havstad, K. M., Western land managers will need all available tools for adapting to climate change, including grazing: a critique of Beschta et al., Environmental Management, vol. 53, no. 6, pp. 1035 - 1038, 2014.
T. Svejcar, Boyd, C. S., Davies, K. W., Madsen, M. D., Bates, J. D., Sheley, R., Marlow, C., Bohnert, D. W., Borman, M. M., Mata-González, R., Buckhouse, J., Stringham, T., Perryman, B., Swanson, S., Tate, K., George, M., Ruyle, G., Roundy, B. A., Call, C., Jensen, K., Launchbaugh, K., Gearhart, A., Vermeire, L., Tanaka, J. A., Derner, J., Frasier, G., and Havstad, K. M., Western land managers will need all available tools for adapting to climate change, including grazing: a critique of Beschta et al., Environmental Management, vol. 53, no. 6, pp. 1035 - 1038, 2014.
T. Svejcar, Boyd, C. S., Davies, K. W., Madsen, M. D., Bates, J. D., Sheley, R., Marlow, C., Bohnert, D. W., Borman, M. M., Mata-González, R., Buckhouse, J., Stringham, T., Perryman, B., Swanson, S., Tate, K., George, M., Ruyle, G., Roundy, B. A., Call, C., Jensen, K., Launchbaugh, K., Gearhart, A., Vermeire, L., Tanaka, J. A., Derner, J., Frasier, G., and Havstad, K. M., Western land managers will need all available tools for adapting to climate change, including grazing: a critique of Beschta et al., Environmental Management, vol. 53, no. 6, pp. 1035 - 1038, 2014.
T. Svejcar, Boyd, C. S., Davies, K. W., Madsen, M. D., Bates, J. D., Sheley, R., Marlow, C., Bohnert, D. W., Borman, M. M., Mata-González, R., Buckhouse, J., Stringham, T., Perryman, B., Swanson, S., Tate, K., George, M., Ruyle, G., Roundy, B. A., Call, C., Jensen, K., Launchbaugh, K., Gearhart, A., Vermeire, L., Tanaka, J. A., Derner, J., Frasier, G., and Havstad, K. M., Western land managers will need all available tools for adapting to climate change, including grazing: a critique of Beschta et al., Environmental Management, vol. 53, no. 6, pp. 1035 - 1038, 2014.
T. Svejcar, Boyd, C. S., Davies, K. W., Madsen, M. D., Bates, J. D., Sheley, R., Marlow, C., Bohnert, D. W., Borman, M. M., Mata-González, R., Buckhouse, J., Stringham, T., Perryman, B., Swanson, S., Tate, K., George, M., Ruyle, G., Roundy, B. A., Call, C., Jensen, K., Launchbaugh, K., Gearhart, A., Vermeire, L., Tanaka, J. A., Derner, J., Frasier, G., and Havstad, K. M., Western land managers will need all available tools for adapting to climate change, including grazing: a critique of Beschta et al., Environmental Management, vol. 53, no. 6, pp. 1035 - 1038, 2014.
D. H. Landers, Simonich, S. L. Massey, Jaffe, D., Geiser, L., Campbell, D. H., Schwindt, A., Schreck, C., Kent, M., Hafner, W., Taylor, H. E., Hageman, K., Usenko, S., Ackerman, L., Schrlau, J., Rose, N., Blett, T., and Erway, M. Morrison, The Western Airborne Contaminant Assessment Project (WACAP): An Interdisciplinary Evaluation of the Impacts of Airborne Contaminants in Western U.S. National Parks, Environmental Science & Technology, vol. 44, no. 3, pp. 855 - 859, 2010.
M. A. Kutzler, Bildfell, R. J., Gardner-Gaftt, K., Delay, J., Baker, R. J., and Mattson, D. E., West Nile virus in alpacas: a case report, Journal of American Vet Medicine Association, 2004.
M. A. Kutzler, Bildfell, R. J., Gardner-Gaftt, K., Delay, J., Baker, R. J., and Mattson, D. E., West Nile virus in alpacas: a case report, Journal of American Vet Medicine Association, 2004.
J. Ruan, Gopinath, M., and Buccola, S., Welfare effects of technological convergence in processed food industries, American journal of agricultural economics, vol. 90, pp. 447–462, 2008.
J. Ruan, Gopinath, M., and Buccola, S., Welfare Effects of Technological Convergence in Processed Food Industries, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 90, no. 2, pp. 447 - 462, 2008.
C. E. Finn, Olmstead, J. W., Hancock, J. F., and Brazelton, D. M., WELCOME TO THE PARTY! BLUEBERRY BREEDING MIXES PRIVATE AND PUBLIC WITH TRADITIONAL AND MOLECULAR TO CREATE A VIBRANT NEW COCKTAIL, Acta Horticulturae, no. 1017, pp. 51 - 62, 2014.
E. K. Dixon, Strik, B. C., and Bryla, D. R., Weed management, training, and irrigation practices for organic production of trailing blackberry: III. Accumulation and removal of aboveground biomass, carbon, and nutrients, HortScience, 2016.
E. K. Dixon, Strik, B. C., Valenzuela-Estrada, L. R., and Bryla, D. R., Weed management, training, and irrigation practices for organic production of trailing blackberry: I. Mature plant growth and fruit production, HortScience, 2015.
E. K. Dixon, Strik, B. C., and Bryla, D. R., Weed management, training, and irrigation practices for organic production of trailing blackberry: II. Soil and aboveground plant nutrient concentrations., HortScience, 2016.
R. H. Harkins, Strik, B. C., and Bryla, D. R., Weed management practices for organic production of trailing blackberry: I. Plant growth and early fruit production., HortScience, vol. 48, pp. 1139-1144, 2013.
R. H. Harkins, Strik, B. C., and Bryla, D. R., Weed management practices for organic production of trailing blackberry: II. Accumulation and loss of biomass and nutrients. , HortScience, vol. 49, pp. 35-43, 2014.
A. G. Hulting, Brewster, B., Mallory-Smith, C., Affeldt, R., Hinds-Cook, B. J., and Krenz, J., Weed Management in Mint, EM 8774, 2008.
R. A. Boydston, Mojtahedi, H., Bates, C., Zemetra, R. S., and Brown, C. R., Weed Hosts of Globodera pallida from Idaho, Plant Disease, vol. 94, no. 7, pp. 918 - 918, 2010.
R. A. Boydston, Mojtahedi, H., Bates, C., Zemetra, R. S., and Brown, C. R., Weed Hosts of Globodera pallida from Idaho, Plant Disease, vol. 94, no. 7, pp. 918 - 918, 2010.
R. A. Boydston, Mojtahedi, H., Bates, C., Zemetra, R. S., and Brown, C. R., Weed Hosts of Globodera pallida from Idaho, Plant Disease, vol. 94, no. 7, pp. 918 - 918, 2010.