
Found 168 results
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J. A. Sweka and Wainwright, T. C., Use of population viability analysis models for Atlantic and Pacific salmon recovery planning, Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, vol. 2411119714124041626124681661768452291051898148340290191713413182115131242012303164355497426311166331635613620, no. 3117, pp. 901 - 917, 2014.
Z. Lian, Qiao, L., Zhu, G., Deng, Y., Qian, B., Yue, J., and Zhao, Y., Use of sodium dodecyl sulfate pretreatment and 2-stage curing for improved quality of salted duck eggs., J Food Sci, vol. 79, no. 3, pp. E354-61, 2014.
M. M. Mathey, Mookerjee, S., Mahoney, L., Finn, C. E., Hancock, J. F., çe, S., Davis, T., Stewart, P., Whitaker, V. M., Jamieson, A. R., Bassil, N. V., Amaya, I., Denoyes, B., Hummer, K. E., Sargent, D., van de Wegand, E., and Iezzoni, A., USING GENERAL AND SPECIFIC COMBINING ABILITY TO FURTHER ADVANCE STRAWBERRY (FRAGARIA SP.) BREEDING, Acta Horticulturae, no. 1049, pp. 193 - 200, 2014.
J. C. Chambers, Pyke, D. A., Maestas, J. D., Pellant, M. L., Boyd, C. S., Campbell, S. B., Espinosa, S., Havlina, D. W., Mayer, K. E., and Wuenschel, A., Using resistance and resilience concepts to reduce impacts of invasive annual grasses and altered fire regimes on the sagebrush ecosystem and greater sage-grouse: A strategic multi-scale approach, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Ft. Collins, CO, 2014.
E. Conlisk, Motheral, S., Chung, R., Wisinski, C., and Endress, B. A., Using spatially-explicit population models to evaluate habitat restoration plans for the San Diego cactus wren (Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus sandiegensis), Biological Conservation, vol. 175, pp. 42–51, 2014.
E. Conlisk, Motheral, S., Chung, R., Wisinski, C., and Endress, B. A., Using spatially-explicit population models to evaluate habitat restoration plans for the San Diego cactus wren (Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus sandiegensis), Biological Conservation, vol. 175, pp. 42 - 51, 2014.
A. Hulet, Roundy, B. A., Petersen, S. L., Bunting, S. C., Jensen, R. R., and Roundy, D. B., Utilizing National Agriculture Imagery Program Data to Estimate Tree Cover and Biomass of Piñon and Juniper Woodlands, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 67, no. 5, pp. 563 - 572, 2014.
C. G. Surfleet and Tullos, D., Uncertainty in hydrologic modelling for estimating hydrologic response due to climate change (Santiam River, Oregon), Hydrological Processes, vol. 27, pp. 3560–3576, 2013.
J. M. Alvarez, Portillo, H. E., Rondon, S. I., Echegaray, E. R., Munyaneza, J. E., Mustafa, T., Brister, C. D., and McKinley, N., Update on the management of the tomato-potato psyllid and zebra chip with the use of DuPont™ Cyazypyr™, SCRI Zebra Chip Annual Reporting Session. Specialty Crop Research Initiative, San Antonio, Texas, 2013.
A. E. Taylor, Vajrala, N., Giguere, A. T., Gitelman, A. I., Arp, D. J., Myrold, D. D., Sayavedra-Soto, L. A., and Bottomley, P. J., Use of Aliphatic n-Alkynes To Discriminate Soil Nitrification Activities of Ammonia-Oxidizing Thaumarchaea and Bacteria, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, vol. 79, no. 21, pp. 6544 - 6551, 2013.
A. Gearhart, D. Booth, T., Sedivec, K., and Schauer, C., Use of Kendall's coefficient of concordance to assess agreement among observers of very high resolution imagery, Geocarto International, vol. 287961758123396060107514141046623828251518189035, no. 6, pp. 517 - 526, 2013.
K. Soderberg, Good, S. P., O'Connor, M., Wang, L., Ryan, K., and Caylor, K. K., Using atmospheric trajectories to model the isotopic composition of rainfall in central Kenya, Ecosphere, vol. 4, pp. 1–18, 2013.
M. O'Connor, Soderberg, K., Good, S. P., Ryan, K., Wang, L., and Caylor, K. K., Using atmospheric trajectories to model the isotopic composition of rainfall in central Kenya, 2013.
K. Soderberg, Good, S. P., O'Connor, M., Wang, L., Ryan, K., and Caylor, K. K., Using atmospheric trajectories to model the isotopic composition of rainfall in central Kenya, Ecosphere, vol. 4, no. 3, p. art33, 2013.
C. Morris, Morris, L. R., Leffler, A. J., Collins, C. D. Holifield, Forman, A. D., Weltz, M. A., and Kitchen, S. G., Using long-term datasets to study exotic plant invasions on rangelands in the western United States, Journal of Arid Environments, vol. 95, pp. 65–74, 2013.
W. L. Peterman and Bachelet, D., Using soils in sensitivity analysis for vegetation change models, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2013.
S. P. Good, Soderberg, K., Wang, L., and Caylor, K. K., Uncertainties in the assessment of the isotopic composition of surface fluxes: A direct comparison of techniques using laser-based water vapor isotope analyzers, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, vol. 117, 2012.
K. Soderberg, Good, S. P., Wang, L., and Caylor, K. K., Uncertainties in the assessment of the isotopic composition of surface fluxes: A direct comparison of techniques using laser-based water vapor isotope analyzers, 2012.
S. P. Good, Soderberg, K., Wang, L., and Caylor, K. K., Uncertainties in the assessment of the isotopic composition of surface fluxes: A direct comparison of techniques using laser-based water vapor isotope analyzers, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, vol. 117, no. D15, p. n/a - n/a, 2012.
M. Handiseni, Brown, J., Zemetra, R. S., and Mazzola, M., Use of Brassicaceous seed meals to improve seedling emergence of tomato and pepper in Pythium ultimum infested soils, Archives Of Phytopathology And Plant Protection, vol. 45, no. 10, pp. 1204 - 1209, 2012.
A. Symstad, King, D. A., Bachelet, D., Burkhart, B., Roddy, D., Schroeder, G., and Swanson, D., Using a Global Vegetation Model to Plan Local Natural Resource Management, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2012.
S. Hines, Moore, A., Brown, B., Chahine, M., Norell, R., M. Mart, deHaro, Falen, C., Fife, T., Parkinson, S., and Ippolito, J., Using extension phosphorus uptake research to improve Idaho’s nutrient management planning program, Journal of Extension, 2012.
H. Huwald, Higgins, C. W., Nolin, A. W., Drake, S. A., Selker, J., and Parlange, M. B., Using light, gas, and pressure to quantify distributed snowpack temperature and interstitial flow dynamics, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2012.