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L. H. Zeglin, Kluber, L. A., and Myrold, D. D., The importance of amino sugar turnover to C and N cycling in organic horizons of old-growth Douglas-fir forest soils colonized by ectomycorrhizal mats, Biogeochemistry, vol. 112, no. 1-356610484658128621122315162951022–328–91211236462929, pp. 679 - 693, 2013.
Y. Zhang, Dai, B., Deng, Y., and Zhao, Y., In vitro anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities and protein quality of high hydrostatic pressure treated squids (Todarodes pacificus)., Food Chem, vol. 203, pp. 258-266, 2016.
R. Zhang, Wu, Q., Xu, Y., and Qian, M. C., Isolation, identification, and quantification of lichenysin, a novel nonvolatile compound in Chinese distilled spirits., J Food Sci, vol. 79, no. 10, pp. C1907-15, 2014.
Y. Zhao, Investigation of the mechanisms and strategies for reducing shell cracks of hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) in hot-air drying, LWT Food science and technology, vol. 98, 2018.
Y. Zhao, Investigation of the mechanisms and strategies for reducing shell cracks of hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) in hot-air drying, LWT Food science and technology, vol. 98, 2018.
Y. Zhong, Wang, Z., and Zhao, Y., Impact of Radio Frequency, Microwaving, and High Hydrostatic Pressure at Elevated Temperature on the Nutritional and Antinutritional Components in Black Soybeans, Journal of Food Science, vol. 8010224515146013818557192210797174813424247514884111078940690100912308519455660579456371, no. 12121214615146121366513913414101242345322924, pp. C2732 - C2739, 2015.
Y. Zhong, Cavender, G., and Zhao, Y., Investigation of different coating application methods on the performance of edible coatings on Mozzarella cheese, LWT - Food Science and Technology, vol. 56, no. 1, pp. 1 - 8, 2014.