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“Modified Atmosphere Systems and Shelf Life Extension of Fish and Fishery Products.”, Foods, vol. 5, no. 3, 2016.
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, “Mitigation of Shallow Groundwater Nitrate in a Poorly Drained Riparian Area and Adjacent Cropland”, Journal of Environment Quality, vol. 36, no. 3, p. 628, 2007.
, “Mistaken Identity: Clarification of Rubus coreanus Miquel (Bokbunja)”, Molecules, vol. 193111718910777101739481339465659696944, no. 7, pp. 10524 - 10533, 2014.
, “Minimum-data analysis of ecosystem service supply in semi-subsistence agricultural systems”, Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, vol. 54, no. 4, pp. 601 - 617, 2010.
, “Mineral nutrition influences physiological responses of pear in vitro”, In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Plant, vol. 4969984472403052018510863389967167116308815343289227203034492339497227, no. 6, pp. 699 - 709, 2013.
, “Microsite and herbaceous vegetation heterogeneity after burning Artemisia tridentata steppe”, Oecologia, vol. 159122139585177129615969604869940702647618237768174621355143324415112677562527080593550, no. 3, pp. 597 - 606, 2009.
, “Micropropagation of pear (Pyrus sp.).”, Methods Mol Biol, vol. 11013, pp. 3-18, 2013.
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, “Microbiome Metadata Standards: Report of the National Microbiome Data Collaborative's Workshop and Follow-On Activities.”, mSystems, vol. 6, no. 1, 2021.
, “Microbiome Metadata Standards: Report of the National Microbiome Data Collaborative's Workshop and Follow-On Activities.”, mSystems, vol. 6, no. 1, 2021.
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, “Microarray evaluation of bovine hepatic gene response to fescue toxicosis”, World Mycotoxin Journal, vol. 67384531273358443, no. 4, pp. 419 - 426, 2013.
, “Methylome reorganization during in vitro dedifferentiation and regeneration of Populus trichocarpa”, BMC Plant Biology, vol. 13, no. 1, p. 92, 2013.
, “Methyl Group-Induced Helicity in 1,4-Dimethylbenzo[ c ]phenanthrene and Its Metabolites: Synthesis, Physical, and Biological Properties”, Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 122, no. 51, pp. 12629 - 12636, 2000.
, “Metal uptake by medicinal plant species grown in soils contaminated by a smelter”, Environ. Ex. Bot. , vol. 64, pp. 207-216, 2008.
, “Metal uptake by medicinal plant species grown in soils contaminated by a smelter”, Environmental and Experimental Botany, vol. 64, no. 3, pp. 207 - 216, 2008.
, “Metabolite Profiling Reveals Developmental Inequalities in Pinot Noir Berry Tissues Late in Ripening”, Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017.
, “Meta-analysis of the space flight and microgravity response of the Arabidopsis plant transcriptome.”, NPJ Microgravity, vol. 9, no. 1, p. 21, 2023.