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Z. Jeknić, Pillman, K. A., Dhillon, T., Skinner, J. S., Veisz, O., Cuesta-Marcos, A., Hayes, P. M., Jacobs, A. K., Chen, T. H. H., and Stockinger, E. J., Hv-CBF2A overexpression in barley accelerates COR gene transcript accumulation and acquisition of freezing tolerance during cold acclimation., Plant Mol Biol, vol. 84, no. 1-2, pp. 67-82, 2014.
Z. Jeknić, Pillman, K. A., Dhillon, T., Skinner, J. S., Veisz, ó, Cuesta-Marcos, A., Hayes, P. M., Jacobs, A. K., Chen, T. H. H., and Stockinger, E. J., Hv-CBF2A overexpression in barley accelerates COR gene transcript accumulation and acquisition of freezing tolerance during cold acclimation, Plant Molecular Biology, vol. 84, no. 1-2, pp. 67 - 82, 2014.
M. HANANA, DALDOUL, S., FOUQUET, R., Deluc, L. G., LEON, éline, HOEFER, M., BARRIEU, çois, and GHORBEL, A., Identification and characterization of a seed-specific grapevine dehydrin involved in abiotic stress response within tolerant varieties, TURKISH JOURNAL OF BOTANY, vol. 38, pp. 1157 - 1168, 2014.
M. HANANA, DALDOUL, S., FOUQUET, R., Deluc, L. G., LEON, éline, HOEFER, M., BARRIEU, çois, and GHORBEL, A., Identification and characterization of a seed-specific grapevine dehydrin involved in abiotic stress response within tolerant varieties, TURKISH JOURNAL OF BOTANY, vol. 38, pp. 1157 - 1168, 2014.
S. Intanon, Reed, R. L., Stevens, J. F., Hulting, A. G., and Mallory-Smith, C., Identification and Phytotoxicity of a New Glucosinolate Breakdown Product from Meadowfoam (Limnanthes alba) Seed Meal, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, vol. 62, no. 30, pp. 7423 - 7429, 2014.
D. M. Dick, Walbridge, S., Wright, D. J., Calambokidis, J., Falcone, E. A., Steel, D., Follett, T., Holmberg, J., and C. Baker, S., geneGIS : Geoanalytical Tools and Arc Marine Customization for Individual-Based Genetic Records, Transactions in GIS, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 324 - 350, 2014.
Y. Hou and Su, Y. - C., Impact of Environmental pH Change on Survival and Growth of Vibrio parahaemolyticus, IFT Annual Meeting . 2014.
T. Svejcar, James, J. J., Hardegree, S. P., and Sheley, R., Incorporating Plant Mortality and Recruitment Into Rangeland Management and Assessment, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 67, no. 6, pp. 603 - 613, 2014.
Z. Liu, Higgins, C. W., and Stewart, R. D., Infiltration of Highway Stormwater Runoff into Vegetated Filter Strips under Wet Climate in Western Oregon, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2014.
R. J. Dillon, Hynes, T. M., Donnell, R. J. Mc, Williams, C. D., and Gormally, M. J., Influence of snail mucus trails and first snail meal on the behavior of malacophagous sciomyzid larvae, Biological Control, vol. 74, pp. 6 - 12, 2014.
J. S. Meier, Liesegang, A., Louhaichi, M., Hilali, M., Rischkowsky, B., Kreuzer, M., and Marquardt, S., Intake pattern and nutrient supply of lactating sheep selecting dried forage from woody plants and straw offered in binary or multiple choice, Animal Feed Science and Technology, vol. 188, pp. 1 - 12, 2014.
D. J. Lyon, Hulting, A. G., and Morishita, D. W., Integrated Management of Feral Rye in Winter Wheat, PNW 660, 2014.
M. H. Cosh, Ochsner, T., Basara, J., ,, Hatch, C., Selker, J., Small, E., Steele-Dunne, S., and Zreda, M., Inter-comparison of soil moisture sensors from the soil moisture active passive marena Oklahoma in situ sensor testbed (SMAP-MOISST), in Meeting Abstract, 2014.
C. W. Higgins and , Investigation of wind turbine effects on Evapotranspiration using surface energy balance model based on satellite-derived data, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2014.
K. Robinson, Ruzicka, J., Decker, M. Beth, Brodeur, R. D., Hernandez, F., ñones, J., Acha, M., Uye, S. -ichi, Mianzan, H., and Graham, W., Jellyfish, Forage Fish, and the World's Major Fisheries, Oceanography, vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 104 - 115, 2014.
M. Calaf, Higgins, C. W., and Parlange, M. B., Large wind farms and the scalar flux over an heterogeneously rough land surface, Boundary-Layer Meteorology, vol. 153, pp. 471–495, 2014.
T. M. Hynes, Giordani, I., Larkin, M., Donnell, R. J. Mc, and Gormally, M. J., Larval feeding behaviour of Tetanocera elata (Diptera: Sciomyzidae): potential biocontrol agent of pestiferous slugs, Biocontrol Science and Technology, vol. 24, no. 9, pp. 1077 - 1082, 2014.
R. M. Hamner, Constantine, R., Oremus, M., Stanley, M., Brown, P., and C. Baker, S., Long-range movement by Hector's dolphins provides potential genetic enhancement for critically endangered Maui's dolphin, Marine Mammal Science, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 139 - 153, 2014.
T. Jonas Brauchli, Bigler, N., Bahr, A., Weijs, S. Vincent, Higgins, C. W., and Huwald, H., A low-cost sensible heat flux sensor for potential use in wireless sensor networks and citizen observatories, in 12th Swiss Geoscience Meeting, 2014.
T. Jonas Brauchli, Bigler, N., Bahr, A., Weijs, S. Vincent, Higgins, C. W., and Huwald, H., A low-cost sensible heat flux sensor for potential use in wireless sensor networks and citizen observatories, in 12th Swiss Geoscience Meeting, 2014.
P. L. Kennedy, Hall, C. M., Hobbs, R. J., Higgs, E., Bridgewater, P., Chapin, F. S., Ellis, E. C., Ewel, J. J., Hallett, L. M., Harris, J. A., Jackson, S. T., Keuffer, C., Lach, L., Lantz, T. C., Lugo, A. E., Mascaro, J., Murphy, S. D., Nelson, C. R., Perring, M. P., Richardson, M. D., Seastadt, T. R., Standish, R. J., Starzomski, B. M., Suding, K. N., Tognetti, P. M., Yakob, L., and Yung, L., Managing the whole landscape: historical, hybrid, and novel ecosystems, Frontiers Ecol & Environ, no. 12(10), pp. 557–564, 2014.
P. L. Kennedy, Hall, C. M., Hobbs, R. J., Higgs, E., Bridgewater, P., Chapin, F. S., Ellis, E. C., Ewel, J. J., Hallett, L. M., Harris, J. A., Jackson, S. T., Keuffer, C., Lach, L., Lantz, T. C., Lugo, A. E., Mascaro, J., Murphy, S. D., Nelson, C. R., Perring, M. P., Richardson, M. D., Seastadt, T. R., Standish, R. J., Starzomski, B. M., Suding, K. N., Tognetti, P. M., Yakob, L., and Yung, L., Managing the whole landscape: historical, hybrid, and novel ecosystems, Frontiers Ecol & Environ, no. 12(10), pp. 557–564, 2014.
P. L. Kennedy, Hall, C. M., Hobbs, R. J., Higgs, E., Bridgewater, P., Chapin, F. S., Ellis, E. C., Ewel, J. J., Hallett, L. M., Harris, J. A., Jackson, S. T., Keuffer, C., Lach, L., Lantz, T. C., Lugo, A. E., Mascaro, J., Murphy, S. D., Nelson, C. R., Perring, M. P., Richardson, M. D., Seastadt, T. R., Standish, R. J., Starzomski, B. M., Suding, K. N., Tognetti, P. M., Yakob, L., and Yung, L., Managing the whole landscape: historical, hybrid, and novel ecosystems, Frontiers Ecol & Environ, no. 12(10), pp. 557–564, 2014.
P. L. Kennedy, Hall, C. M., Hobbs, R. J., Higgs, E., Bridgewater, P., Chapin, F. S., Ellis, E. C., Ewel, J. J., Hallett, L. M., Harris, J. A., Jackson, S. T., Keuffer, C., Lach, L., Lantz, T. C., Lugo, A. E., Mascaro, J., Murphy, S. D., Nelson, C. R., Perring, M. P., Richardson, M. D., Seastadt, T. R., Standish, R. J., Starzomski, B. M., Suding, K. N., Tognetti, P. M., Yakob, L., and Yung, L., Managing the whole landscape: historical, hybrid, and novel ecosystems, Frontiers Ecol & Environ, no. 12(10), pp. 557–564, 2014.
P. L. Kennedy, Hall, C. M., Hobbs, R. J., Higgs, E., Bridgewater, P., Chapin, F. S., Ellis, E. C., Ewel, J. J., Hallett, L. M., Harris, J. A., Jackson, S. T., Keuffer, C., Lach, L., Lantz, T. C., Lugo, A. E., Mascaro, J., Murphy, S. D., Nelson, C. R., Perring, M. P., Richardson, M. D., Seastadt, T. R., Standish, R. J., Starzomski, B. M., Suding, K. N., Tognetti, P. M., Yakob, L., and Yung, L., Managing the whole landscape: historical, hybrid, and novel ecosystems, Frontiers Ecol & Environ, no. 12(10), pp. 557–564, 2014.