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Journal Article
A. Dreves, IPM program development for an invasive pest: coordination, outreach and evaluation, Pest Management Science, vol. 67, no. 11, pp. 1403 - 1410, 2011.
S. D. Stan, Woods, J. S., and Daeschel, M. A., Investigation of the presence of OH radicals in electrolyzed NaCl solution by electron spin resonance spectroscopy., J Agric Food Chem, vol. 53, no. 12, pp. 4901-5, 2005.
S. Jiao, Deng, Y., Zhong, Y., Wang, D., and Zhao, Y., Investigation of radio frequency heating uniformity of wheat kernels by using the developed computer simulation model, Food Research International, vol. 71, pp. 41 - 49, 2015.
A. M. Asmare, Demessie, B. A., and Murthy, G. S., Investigation of Microalgae Co-Cultures for Nutrient Recovery and Algal BiomassProduction from Dairy Manure, Applied Engineering in Agriculture, vol. 30, pp. 335–342, 2014.
C. M. Duncan, Miller, R. F., and Pyke, D. A., An Investigation into the Relationship between Seed Bank Density and Juniper Abundance in Oregon’s Sagebrush Steppe, Range Field Day 2009 Progress Report, p. 68, 2009.
C. Kimoto, DeBano, S. J., Thorp, R. W., Rao, S., and Stephen, W. P., Investigating Temporal Patterns of a Native Bee Community in a Remnant North American Bunchgrass Prairie using Blue Vane Traps, Journal of Insect Science, vol. 12, no. 108, pp. 1 - 23, 2012.
R. JE, Shryock, E. T., McIver, J., Torgersen, T. R., and Dryer, M., Investigating RAPD-PCR Markers in Supercolonies of the Thatch Ant Formica obscuripes Forel (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): Detection of Genetic Heterogeneities Between Nests, Northwest Science, 2008.
L. M. Ellsworth, Litton, C. M., Dale, A. P., and Miura, T., Invasive grasses change landscape structure and fire behaviour in Hawaii, Applied Vegetation Science, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 680 - 689, 2014.
B. A. Melbourne, Cornell, H. V., Davies, K. F., Dugaw, C. J., Elmendorf, S., Freestone, A. L., Hall, R. J., Harrison, S., Hastings, A., Holland, M., Holyoak, M., Lambrinos, J. G., Moore, K., and Yokomizo, H., Invasion in a heterogeneous world: resistance, coexistence or hostile takeover?, Ecology Letters, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 77 - 94, 2007.
B. A. Melbourne, Cornell, H. V., Davies, K. F., Dugaw, C. J., Elmendorf, S., Freestone, A. L., Hall, R. J., Harrison, S., Hastings, A., Holland, M., Holyoak, M., Lambrinos, J. G., Moore, K., and Yokomizo, H., Invasion in a heterogeneous world: resistance, coexistence or hostile takeover?, Ecol Lett, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 77-94, 2007.
B. A. Melbourne, Cornell, H. V., Davies, K. F., Dugaw, C. J., Elmendorf, S., Freestone, A. L., Hall, R. J., Harrison, S., Hastings, A., Holland, M., Holyoak, M., Lambrinos, J. G., Moore, K., and Yokomizo, H., Invasion in a heterogeneous world: resistance, coexistence or hostile takeover?, Ecology Letters, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 77 - 94, 2007.
B. A. Melbourne, Cornell, H. V., Davies, K. F., Dugaw, C. J., Elmendorf, S., Freestone, A. L., Hall, R. J., Harrison, S., Hastings, A., Holland, M., Holyoak, M., Lambrinos, J. G., Moore, K., and Yokomizo, H., Invasion in a heterogeneous world: resistance, coexistence or hostile takeover?, Ecol Lett, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 77-94, 2007.
M. K. Asplen, Anfora, G., Biondi, A., Choi, D. - S., Chu, D., Daane, K. M., Gibert, P., Gutierrez, A. P., Hoelmer, K. A., Hutchison, W. D., Isaacs, R., Jiang, Z. - L., árpáti, Z., Kimura, M. T., Pascual, M., Philips, C. R., Plantamp, C., Ponti, L., étek, ábor, Vogt, H., Walton, V. M., Yu, Y., à, L., and Desneux, N., Invasion biology of spotted wing Drosophila (Drosophila suzukii): a global perspective and future priorities, Journal of Pest Science, vol. 88, no. 34, pp. 469 - 494, 2015.
M. K. Asplen, Anfora, G., Biondi, A., Choi, D. - S., Chu, D., Daane, K. M., Gibert, P., Gutierrez, A. P., Hoelmer, K. A., Hutchison, W. D., Isaacs, R., Jiang, Z. - L., árpáti, Z., Kimura, M. T., Pascual, M., Philips, C. R., Plantamp, C., Ponti, L., étek, ábor, Vogt, H., Walton, V. M., Yu, Y., à, L., and Desneux, N., Invasion biology of spotted wing Drosophila (Drosophila suzukii): a global perspective and future priorities, Journal of Pest Science, vol. 88, no. 34, pp. 469 - 494, 2015.
D. D. Johnson and Davies, K. W., An introduction to using ecological site descriptions as a management tool, Cattle Producer's Library, 2012.
P. F. Fruet, Laporta, P., Di Tullio, J. C., Secchi, E. R., Morteo, E., Tezanos-Pinto, G., öller, L., Marmontel, M., and Palacios, D. M., Introduction to the Special Volume on Tursiops in the Southwest Atlantic Ocean, Latin American Journal of Aquatic Mammals, vol. 11, no. 1-2, p. 1, 2017.
J. Azevedo, Courtois, F., Hakimi, M. - A., Demarsy, E., Lagrange, T., Alcaraz, J. - P., Jaiswal, P., Maréchal-Drouard, L., and Lerbs-Mache, S., Intraplastidial trafficking of a phage-type RNA polymerase is mediated by a thylakoid RING-H2 protein., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 105, pp. 9123-8, 2008.
C. Jiang, Xie, C., Lv, Y., Li, J., Krausz, K. W., Shi, J., Brocker, C. N., Desai, D., Amin, S. G., Bisson, W. H., Liu, Y., Gavrilova, O., Patterson, A. D., and Gonzalez, F. J., Intestine-selective farnesoid X receptor inhibition improves obesity-related metabolic dysfunction, Nature Communications, vol. 6, p. 10166, 2015.
P. M. Kusolwa, Davis, J., and , Interspecific transfer and inheritance of arcelin-phytohaemagglutinin-alpha amylase inhibitor seed proteins from tepary bean (Phaseolus acutifolius A. Gray) to common bean (P. vulgaris L.), Breeding for Bruchid Resistance in Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.): Interspecific Introgression of Lectin-like Seed Proteins from Tepary Bean (P. acutifolius A. Gray), Genetic Control and Bruchid Resistance Characterization., p. 42, 2007.
A. Goyer, Decottignies, P., Lemaire, S. D., Ruelland, E., Issakidis-Bourguet, E., Jacquot, J. P., and Miginiac-Maslow, M., The internal Cys-207 of sorghum leaf NADP-malate dehydrogenase can form mixed disulphides with thioredoxin, FEBS Letters, vol. 444, 1999.
R. S. Rasmusse Hellberg, Naaum, A. M., Handy, S. M., Hanner, R. H., Deeds, J. R., Yancy, H. F., and Morrissey, M. T., Interlaboratory evaluation of a real-time multiplex polymerase chain reaction method for identification of salmon and trout species in commercial products., J Agric Food Chem, vol. 59, no. 3, pp. 876-84, 2011.
K. W. Davies, Nafus, A. M., and Johnson, D. D., Interim medusahead management guide for the Intermountain West, EOARC Technical Repoert, 2010.
W. Qiang Yang, Goulart, B. L., Demchak, K., and Li, Y., Interactive effects of mycorrhizal inoculation and organic amendment on nitrogen acquisition and growth of highbush blueberries, Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 2002.
D. Bachelet, Lenihan, J. M., Daly, C., and Neilson, R. P., Interactions between fire, grazing and climate change at Wind Cave National Park, SD, Ecological Modelling, vol. 134, pp. 229–244, 2000.