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J. D. Bates and Davies, K. W., Longer-Term Evaluation of Sagebrush Restoration after Juniper Control and Herbaceous Vegetation Trade-Offs, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 72, no. 2, pp. 260-265, 2019.
K. W. Davies and Boyd, C. S., Longer-Term Evaluation of Revegetation of Medusahead-Invaded Sagebrush Steppe, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 71, no. 3, pp. 292 - 297, 2018.
K. W. Davies, Gearhart, A., Vavra, M., Shultz, B., and Rimbey, N. R., Longer Term Rest from Grazing: A Response to Jones & Carter, Journal of Rangeland Applications, vol. 3, pp. 9–15, 2016.
W. J. Riley, Maggi, F. M., Kleber, M., Torn, M. S., Tang, J. Y., Dwivedi, D., and Guerry, N., Long residence times of rapidly decomposable soil organic matter: application of a multi-phase, multi-component, and vertically-resolved model (TOUGHREACTv1) to soil carbon dynamics, Geoscientific Model Development Discussions, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 815 - 870, 2014.
B. E. Penaluna, Dunham, J. B., Railsback, S. F., Arismendi, I., Johnson, S. L., Bilby, R. E., Safeeq, M., and Skaugset, A. E., Local Variability Mediates Vulnerability of Trout Populations to Land Use and Climate Change, PLOS ONE, vol. 10, no. 8, p. e0135334, 2015.
E. E. Davis, Connolly, L. S., and Weber, B., Local labor market conditions and the jobless poor: How much does local job growth help in rural areas?, Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, pp. 503–518, 2003.
S. E. Wortman, Davis, A. S., Schutte, B. J., Lindquist, J. L., Cardina, J., Felix, J., Sprague, C. L., J. Dille, A., Ramirez, A. H. M., Reicks, G., and Clay, S. A., Local Conditions, Not Regional Gradients, Drive Demographic Variation of Giant Ragweed (Ambrosia trifida) and Common Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) Across Northern U.S. Maize Belt, Weed Science, vol. 60, no. 03, pp. 440 - 450, 2012.
S. E. Wortman, Davis, A. S., Schutte, B. J., Lindquist, J. L., Cardina, J., Felix, J., Sprague, C. L., J. Dille, A., Ramirez, A. H. M., Reicks, G., and Clay, S. A., Local Conditions, Not Regional Gradients, Drive Demographic Variation of Giant Ragweed (Ambrosia trifida) and Common Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) Across Northern U.S. Maize Belt, Weed Science, vol. 60, no. 03, pp. 440 - 450, 2012.
K. W. Davies, Leger, E. A., Boyd, C. S., and Hallett, L. M., Living with Exotic Annual Grasses in the Sagebrush Ecosystem, Journal of Environmental Management, vol. 288, no. June 2021, pp. 1-11, 2021.
R. Fiegener, Duncan, S., and Brekken, C., Linking Regional Food Networks to Ecological Resilience, Choices, In Press.
J. J. James, Davies, K. W., Sheley, R., and Aanderud, Z. T., Linking nitrogen partitioning and species abundance to invasion resistance in the Great Basin, Oecologia, vol. 156, no. 3, pp. 637 - 648, 2008.
W. M. Graham, Gelcich, S., Robinson, K. L., Duarte, C. M., Brotz, L., Purcell, J. E., Madin, L. P., Mianzan, H., Sutherland, K. R., Uye, S. -ichi, Pitt, K. A., Lucas, C. H., øgeberg, M., Brodeur, R. D., and Condon, R. H., Linking human well-being and jellyfish: ecosystem services, impacts, and societal responses, Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, vol. 12, no. 9, pp. 515 - 523, 2014.
J. M. DiTomaso and Smith, B. S., Linking Ecological Principles to Tools and Strategies in an EBIPM Program, Rangelands, vol. 34, no. 6, pp. 30 - 34, 2012.
K. W. Davies and Johnson, D. D., Limiting medusahead invasion and impacts in the Great Basin, Great Basin Factsheet, vol. 2, p. 3, 2015.
M. Miginiac-Maslow, Johansson, K., Ruelland, E., Issakidis-Bourguet, E., Schepens, I., Goyer, A., Lemaire-Chamley, M., Jacquot, J. P., Le Marechal, P., and Decottignies, P., Light-activation of NADP-malate dehydrogenase: A highly controlled process for an optimized function, Physiologia Plantarum, vol. 110, 2000.
S. Li, Gouge, D. H., Fournier, A., Stock, T., Romero, A., Young, D., Nair, S., Foss, C., Kerzee, R., Stone, D., Dunn, M., Spurgeon, D., and La Morte, R., Life Quality Impacts of Bed Bug (Cimex lectularius L.) Infestations, XXV International Congress of Entomology. Orlando, Florida, 2016.
S. Li, Gouge, D. H., Fournier, A., Stock, T., Romero, A., Young, D., Nair, S., Foss, C., Kerzee, R., Stone, D., Dunn, M., Spurgeon, D., and La Morte, R., Life Quality Impacts of Bed Bug (Cimex lectularius L.) Infestations, XXV International Congress of Entomology. Orlando, Florida, 2016.
P. W. Nathanielsz, Berghorn, K. A., Derks, J. B., Giussani, D. A., Docherty, C., Unno, N., Davenport, A., Kutzler, M. A., Koenen, S., Visser, G. H. A., and Nijland, M. J., Life before birth: effects of cortisol on future cardiovascular and metabolic function*, Acta Paediatrica, vol. 9210762761035044925310618628028162335242934, no. 7Suppl 1, pp. 766 - 772, 2003.
P. W. Nathanielsz, Berghorn, K. A., Derks, J. B., Giussani, D. A., Docherty, C., Unno, N., Davenport, A., Kutzler, M. A., Koenen, S., Visser, G. H. A., and Nijland, M. J., Life before birth: effects of cortisol on future cardiovascular and metabolic function*, Acta Paediatrica, vol. 9210762761035044925310618628028162335242934, no. 7Suppl 1, pp. 766 - 772, 2003.
P. W. Nathanielsz, Berghorn, K. A., Derks, J. B., Giussani, D. A., Docherty, C., Unno, N., Davenport, A., Kutzler, M. A., Koenen, S., Visser, G. H. A., and Nijland, M. J., Life before birth: effects of cortisol on future cardiovascular and metabolic function*, Acta Paediatrica, vol. 9210762761035044925310618628028162335242934, no. 7Suppl 1, pp. 766 - 772, 2003.
A. Luch, Kudla, K., Seidel, A., Doehmer, J., Greim, H., and Baird, W. M., The level of DNA modification by (+)-syn-(11S, 12R, 13S, 14R)-and (–)-anti-(11R, 12S, 13S, 14R)-dihydrodiol epoxides of dibenzo [a, l] pyrene determined the effect on the proteins p53 and p21WAF1 in the human mammary carcinoma cell line MCF-7, Carcinogenesis, vol. 20, pp. 859–865, 1999.
K. W. Davies, Boyd, C. S., Bates, J. D., and Gearhart, A., Legacy microsite effect on the survival of bitterbrush outplantings after prescribed fire: capitalizing on spatial variability to improve restoration, Restoration Ecology, vol. 25, no. 5, pp. 723 - 730, 2017.
R. J. Griffin-Nolan, Carroll, C. J. W., Denton, E. M., Johnston, M. K., Collins, S. L., Smith, M. D., and Knapp, A. K., Legacy effects of a regional drought on aboveground net primary production in six central US grasslands, Plant Ecology, no. 531112, pp. 505 - 515, 2018.
S. P. Good, Mallia, D. V., Denis, E. H., Freeman, K. H., Feng, X., Li, S., Zegre, N., Lin, J. C., and Bowen, G. J., Learning from the Impacts of Superstorm SandyHigh Frequency Trends in the Isotopic Composition of Superstorm Sandy. Elsevier, 2015, pp. 41 - 55.
T. M. Hynes, Giordani, I., Larkin, M., Donnell, R. J. Mc, and Gormally, M. J., Larval feeding behaviour of Tetanocera elata (Diptera: Sciomyzidae): potential biocontrol agent of pestiferous slugs, Biocontrol Science and Technology, vol. 24, no. 9, pp. 1077 - 1082, 2014.