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Journal Article
T. Delcurto, Wyffels, S. A., Clark, A. A., Kennedy, P. L., Taylor, R. V., and DeBano, S. J., Influence of stocking density on beef cattle performance and grazing behavior on native bunchgrass prairie , Range. Ecol. & Mgmt (submitted 08/2013).
C. S. Boyd, Davies, K. W., and Lemos, J. A., Influence of Soil Color on Seedbed Microclimate and Seedling Demographics of a Perennial Bunchgrass, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 70, no. 5, pp. 621 - 624, 2017.
R. J. Dillon, Hynes, T. M., Donnell, R. J. Mc, Williams, C. D., and Gormally, M. J., Influence of snail mucus trails and first snail meal on the behavior of malacophagous sciomyzid larvae, Biological Control, vol. 74, pp. 6 - 12, 2014.
R. J. Dillon, Hynes, T. M., Donnell, R. J. Mc, Williams, C. D., and Gormally, M. J., Influence of snail mucus trails and first snail meal on the behavior of malacophagous sciomyzid larvae, Biological Control, vol. 74, pp. 6 - 12, 2014.
D. W. Bohnert, Schauer, C. S., Bauert, L., and Delcurto, T., Influence of rumen protein degradability and supplementation frequency on steers consuming low-quality forage: I. Site of digestion and microbial efficiency., J Anim Sci, vol. 80, no. 11, pp. 2967-77, 2002.
D. W. Bohnert, Schauer, C. S., Falck, S. J., and Delcurto, T., Influence of rumen protein degradability and supplementation frequency on steers consuming low-quality forage: II. Ruminal fermentation characteristics., J Anim Sci, vol. 80, no. 11, pp. 2978-88, 2002.
T. Delcurto, Bohnert, D. W., and Schauer, C. S., Influence of rumen protein degradability and supplementation frequency on performance and nitrogen use in ruminants consuming low-quality forage: cow performance and efficiency of nitrogen use in wethers, vol. 80, no. 6, 2004.
D. W. Bohnert, Schauer, C. S., and Delcurto, T., Influence of rumen protein degradability and supplementation frequency on performance and nitrogen use in ruminants consuming low-quality forage: cow performance and efficiency of nitrogen use in wethers., Journal of Animal Science, vol. 80, no. 6, pp. 1629-37, 2002.
D. W. Bohnert, Schauer, C. S., Bauer, M. L., and Delcurto, T., Influence of rumen protein degradability and supplementation frequency on steers consuming low-quality forage: I. Site of digestion and microbial efficiency, 2002.
D. W. Bohnert, Schauer, C. S., Falck, S. J., and Delcurto, T., Influence of rumen protein degradability and supplementation frequency on steers consuming low-quality forage: II. Ruminal fermentation characteristics, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 11855, no. 11, pp. 2978 - 2988, 2002.
D. W. Bohnert, Schauer, C. S., and Delcurto, T., Influence of rumen protein degradability and supplementation frequency on performance and nitrogen use in ruminants consuming low-quality forage: cow performance and efficiency of nitrogen use in wethers, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 80, no. 6, pp. 1629-1637, 2004.
J. J. James, Caird, M. A., Drenovsky, R. E., and Sheley, R., Influence of resource pulses and perennial neighbors on the establishment of an invasive annual grass in the Mojave Desert, Journal of Arid Environments, vol. 67, no. 3, pp. 528 - 534, 2006.
D. Damiran, Delcurto, T., Findholt, S. L., Pulsipher, G. D., and Johnson, B. K., Influence of previous cattle and elk grazing on the subsequent quality and quantity of diets for cattle, deer and elk grazing late-summer mixed-conifer rangelands, Proc. West. Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci., vol. 54, pp. 320-324, 2003.
D. Damiran, Delcurto, T., Findholt, S. L., Pulsipher, G. D., and Johnson, B. K., Influence of previous cattle and elk grazing on the subsequent quality and quantity of diets for cattle, deer and elk grazing late-summer mixed-conifer rangelands, Proc. West. Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci., vol. 54, pp. 320-324, 2003.
K. W. Davies, Pokorny, M. L., Sheley, R., and James, J. J., Influence of Plant Functional Group Removal on Inorganic Soil Nitrogen Concentrations in Native Grasslands, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 60, no. 3, pp. 304 - 310, 2007.
K. W. Davies and Sheley, R., Influence of Neighboring Vegetation Height on Seed Dispersal: Implications for Invasive Plant Management, Weed Science, vol. 5510664547, no. 06, pp. 626 - 630, 2007.
K. W. Davies, Bates, J. D., Johnson, D. D., and Nafus, A. M., Influence of Mowing Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis on Winter Habitat for Wildlife, Environmental Management, vol. 44472884392857346072334757341617524711663032394957394632, no. 1, pp. 84 - 92, 2009.
K. J. Walburger, Delcurto, T., and Vavra, M., Influence of Forest Management and Previous Herbivory on Cattle Diets, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 60, no. 2, pp. 172 - 178, 2007.
T. Delcurto, Walburger, K. J., and Vavra, M., Influence of forest management and previous herbivory on cattle diets, vol. 60, no. 2, 2007.
S. I. Rondon, Pantoja, A., Hagerthy, A. M., and D., H., Influence of farming transition systems on ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) communities, Florida Entomology, 2013.
K. W. Davies, Copeland, S. M., Clenet, D. R., Svejcar, L., and Bates, J. D., Influence of Directional Side of Sagebrush Canopies and Interspaces on Microhabitats, Basic and Applied Ecology, vol. 72, pp. 16 - 21, 2023.
K. J. Walburger, Wells, M., Vavra, M., Delcurto, T., Johnson, B., and Coe, P., Influence of Cow Age on Grazing Distribution in a Mixed-Conifer Forest, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 62, no. 3, pp. 290 - 296, 2009.
K. J. Walburger, Wells, M., Vavra, M., Delcurto, T., Johnson, B., and P., C., Influence of Cow Age on Grazing Distribution in a Mixed Conifer Forest, Rangeland Ecology and Management, vol. 62, pp. 290-296, 2009.
T. Delcurto, Walburger, K. J., Wells, M., Vavra, M., Johnson, B., and Coe, P., Influence of Cow Age on Grazing Distribution in a Mixed Conifer Forest, vol. 62, 2009.
E. Darambazar, Delcurto, T., and Damiran, D., The Influence of Cow Age on Botanical Composition of Diets in Mountain Riparian Areas in Eastern Oregon of the United States, Sustainable Agriculture Research, vol. 3, no. 1, p. 1, 2013.