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M. HANANA, DALDOUL, S., FOUQUET, R., Deluc, L. G., LEON, éline, HOEFER, M., BARRIEU, çois, and GHORBEL, A., Identification and characterization of a seed-specific grapevine dehydrin involved in abiotic stress response within tolerant varieties, TURKISH JOURNAL OF BOTANY, vol. 38, pp. 1157 - 1168, 2014.
M. HANANA, DALDOUL, S., FOUQUET, R., Deluc, L. G., LEON, éline, HOEFER, M., BARRIEU, çois, and GHORBEL, A., Identification and characterization of a seed-specific grapevine dehydrin involved in abiotic stress response within tolerant varieties, TURKISH JOURNAL OF BOTANY, vol. 38, pp. 1157 - 1168, 2014.
S. - J. Ahn, Donnell, R. J. Mc, Corcoran, J. A., Martin, R. C., and Choi, M. - Y., Identification and functional characterization of the first molluscan neuromedin U receptor in the slug, Deroceras reticulatum., Sci Rep, vol. 10, no. 1, p. 22308, 2020.
M. HANANA, Deluc, L. G., FOUQUET, R., and DALDOUL, S., Identification et caractérisation d'un gène de réponse à la déshydratation « rd22 » chez la vigne (Vitis vinifera L.), Comptes Rendus Biologies, vol. 331, no. 8, pp. 569 - 578, 2008.
M. HANANA, Deluc, L. G., FOUQUET, R., and DALDOUL, S., Identification et caractérisation d'un gène de réponse à la déshydratation « rd22 » chez la vigne (Vitis vinifera L.), Comptes Rendus Biologies, vol. 331, no. 8, pp. 569 - 578, 2008.
J. A. Perez-Amaro, Mata-Gonzàlez, R., Boyd, C. S., Leonard, J., Delcurto, T., Bohnert, D. W., Borman, M., and Nieto-Carrillo, Y., Identification of Big Sagebrush Subspecies by NTS 5S Ribosomal RNA Fractionation, Oregon Beef Council Report. 2011.
M. R. Smith, Boenzli, M. G., Hindagolla, V., Ding, J., Miller, J. M., Hutchison, J. E., Greenwood, J. A., Abeliovich, H., and Bakalinsky, A. T., Identification of gold nanoparticle-resistant mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae suggests a role for respiratory metabolism in mediating toxicity., Appl Environ Microbiol, vol. 79, no. 2, pp. 728-33, 2013.
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C. Ng’homan Maro, Massawe, D. Protas, Tryphone, G. Muhamba, Myers, J. R., Davis, J. William, and Kusolwa, P. Mbogo, Identification of potential seed storage protein responsible for bruchid resistance in common bean landraces from Tanzania and Malawi, African Journal of Biotechnology, vol. 21, pp. 35–45, 2022.
P. S. Doescher, Miller, R. F., ,, and Winward, A. H., Identification of the Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis/Festuca idahoensis habitat type in eastern Oregon, Northwest Science, vol. 60, 1986.
M. Li, Wu, J. J., and Deng, X., Identifying drivers of land use change in China: A spatial multinomial logit model analysis, Land Economics, vol. 89, pp. 632–654, 2013.
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D. M. Dick, Walbridge, S., Wright, D. J., Calambokidis, J., Falcone, E. A., Steel, D., Follett, T., Holmberg, J., and C. Baker, S., geneGIS : Geoanalytical Tools and Arc Marine Customization for Individual-Based Genetic Records, Transactions in GIS, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 324 - 350, 2014.
S. Dagdeviren, Jung, D. Young, Friedline, R. H., Noh, H. Lim, Kim, J. Hun, Patel, P. R., Tsitsilianos, N., Inashima, K., Tran, D. A., Hu, X., Loubato, M. M., Craige, S. M., Kwon, J. Yeon, Lee, K. Won, and Kim, J. K., IL-10 prevents aging-associated inflammation and insulin resistance in skeletal muscle., FASEB J, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 701-710, 2017.
R. S. Marques, Impact of 24-h Feed, Water, or Feed and Water Deprivation on Feed Intake, Metabolic, and Inflammatory Responses in Beef Heifers , Journal of Animal Science, vol. 97, no. 1, pp. 398-406, 2019.
T. Kamai, Weisbrod, N., and Dragila, M., Impact of ambient temperature on evaporation from surface-exposed fractures, Water Resources Research, vol. 45, no. 2, 2009.
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Y. Deng, Jin, Y., Luo, Y., Zhong, Y., Yue, J., Song, X., and Zhao, Y., Impact of continuous or cycle high hydrostatic pressure on the ultrastructure and digestibility of rice starch granules, Journal of Cereal Science, vol. 60, no. 2, pp. 302 - 310, 2014.
Y. Wang, Yue, J., Liu, Z., Zheng, Y., Deng, Y., Zhao, Y., Liu, Z., and Huang, H., Impact of Far-Infrared Radiation Assisted Heat Pump Drying on Moisture Distribution and Rehydration Kinetics of Squid Fillets During Rehydration, Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology, vol. 2542352329489114429, no. 2, pp. 147 - 155, 2016.
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A. C. Lowder and DeWitt, C. A. Mireles, Impact of High Pressure Processing on the Functional Aspects of Beef Muscle Injected with Salt and/or Sodium Phosphates, Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, vol. 387272267226281221619454677177421495526043616678758899468585642412976941087, no. 4, pp. 1840 - 1848, 2014.
Y. Ganot, Dragila, M. I., and Weisbrod, N., Impact of thermal convection on air circulation in a mammalian burrow under arid conditions, Journal of Arid Environments, vol. 84, pp. 51 - 62, 2012.
Y. Ganot, Dragila, M. I., and Weisbrod, N., Impact of thermal convection on CO2 flux across the earth–atmosphere boundary in high-permeability soils, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, vol. 184, pp. 12 - 24, 2014.
A. N. Gadino, Walton, V. M., and Dreves, A., Impact of vineyard pesticides on a beneficial arthropod, Typhlodromus pyri (Acari: Phytoseiidae), in laboratory bioassays., J Econ Entomol, vol. 104, no. 3, pp. 970-7, 2011.
E. Levintal, Dragila, M. Ines, and Weisbrod, N., Impact of wind speed and soil permeability on aeration time in the upper vadose zone, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2018.