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“Cover crop-altered vine nitrogen status and its effect on growth hormones and amino acid content of Pinot Noir berries”, Food Chemistry, 2012.
, “Crop Response and Control of Common Purslane (Portulaca oleraceae) and Prostrate Pigweed (Amaranthus blitoides) in Green Onion with Oxyfluorfen”, Weed Technology, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 714 - 717, 2012.
, “Density fractions versus size separates: does physical fractionation isolate functional soil compartments?”, Biogeosciences, vol. 9, no. 12, pp. 5181 - 5197, 2012.
, “Detecting and quantifying reductive dechlorination under monitored natural attenuation conditions”, Remediation Journal, vol. 22, pp. 43–63, 2012.
, “Differential seedling performance and environmental correlates in shrub canopy vs. interspace microsites”, Journal of Arid Environments, vol. 87, pp. 50 - 57, 2012.
, “Early life stage trimethyltin exposure induces ADP-ribosylation factor expression and perturbs the vascular system in zebrafish.”, Toxicology, vol. 302, no. 2-3, pp. 129-39, 2012.
, “Early life stage trimethyltin exposure induces ADP-ribosylation factor expression and perturbs the vascular system in zebrafish”, Toxicology, vol. 302, no. 2-3, pp. 129 - 139, 2012.
, “Effect of high-pressure treatment of milk for cheese manufacture on proteolysis, lipolysis, texture and functionality of Cheddar cheese during ripening”, Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, vol. 13, pp. 23–30, 2012.
, “Effects of oxidized corn oil and a synthetic antioxidant blend on performance, oxidative status of tissues, and fresh meat quality in finishing barrows”, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 90, no. 13, pp. 5159 - 5169, 2012.
, “Effects of temperament and acclimation to handling on reproductive performance of Bos taurus beef females.”, J Anim Sci, vol. 90, no. 10, pp. 3547-55, 2012.
, “Effects of ungulate herbivory on aspen, cottonwood, and willow development under forest fuels treatment regimes”, Forest ecology and management, vol. 276, pp. 33–40, 2012.
, “Effects of ungulate herbivory on aspen, cottonwood, and willow development under forest fuels treatment regimes”, Forest Ecology and Management, vol. 276, pp. 33 - 40, 2012.
, “Endogenous prostaglandin F2α concentrations in bovine whole semen, seminal plasma, and extended semen.”, Theriogenology, vol. 78, no. 2, pp. 369-75, 2012.
, “eOrganic: the Organic Agriculture Community of Practice for eXtension”, HortTechnology, vol. 22, no. 5, pp. 583-588, 2012.
, “Evaluation of a modified pH-shift process to reduce 2-methylisoborneol and geosmin in spiked catfish and produce a consumer acceptable fried catfish nugget-like product.”, J Food Sci, vol. 77, no. 10, pp. S377-83, 2012.
, , “Evaluation of Monitoring Traps for Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae) in North America”, Journal of Economic Entomology, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 1350 - 1357, 2012.
, “From atmospheric winds to fracture ventilation: Cause and effect”, Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, vol. 117, no. G2, p. n/a - n/a, 2012.
, “Fuel treatment impacts on estimated wildfire carbon loss from forests in Montana, Oregon, California, and Arizona”, Ecosphere, vol. 3, no. 5, p. art38, 2012.
, “Generation and Characterization of Phage-GnRH Chemical Conjugates for Potential Use in Cat and Dog Immunocontraception”, Reproduction in Domestic Animals, vol. 4783821182212724626662442024, pp. 406 - 411, 2012.
, “Genome resequencing reveals multiscale geographic structure and extensive linkage disequilibrium in the forest tree Populus trichocarpa”, New Phytologist, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 713 - 725, 2012.
, “Genome resequencing reveals multiscale geographic structure and extensive linkage disequilibrium in the forest tree Populus trichocarpa”, New Phytologist, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 713 - 725, 2012.
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