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“The effect of seeding rate, seeding date, and seeder type on the performance of Camelina sativa L. in the Maritime Provinces of Canada”, Can. J. Plant Sci. , vol. 88, pp. 501-508, 2008.
, “The effect of seeding rate, seeding date, and seeder type on the performance of Camelina sativa L. in the Maritime Provinces of Canada”, Can. J. Plant Sci. , vol. 88, pp. 501-508, 2008.
, “Effects of sources of carbon and nitrogen on production of α-glucosidase inhibitor by a newly isolated strain of Bacillus subtilis B2.”, Food Chem, vol. 109, no. 4, pp. 737-42, 2008.
, “Effects of supplementation frequency on performance, reproductive, and metabolic responses of Brahman-crossbred females”, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 86, no. 9, pp. 2296 - 2309, 2008.
, “Effects of supplementation frequency on performance, reproductive, and metabolic responses of Brahman-crossbred females”, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 86, no. 9, pp. 2296 - 2309, 2008.
, “Erratum to``Similarity solution of axisymmetric flow in porous media''[Adv. Water Resour. 28 (2005) 1076 1082]”, Advances in Water Resources, vol. 31, pp. 1764–1764, 2008.
, “Erratum to``Similarity solution of axisymmetric flow in porous media''[Adv. Water Resour. 28 (2005) 1076 1082]”, Advances in Water Resources, vol. 31, pp. 1764–1764, 2008.
, “Gene expression ratio stability evaluation in prepubertal bovine mammary tissue from calves fed different milk replacers reveals novel internal controls for quantitative polymerase chain reaction.”, J Nutr, vol. 138, no. 6, pp. 1158-64, 2008.
, “Gene networks driving bovine milk fat synthesis during the lactation cycle.”, BMC Genomics, vol. 9, p. 366, 2008.
, “The generation challenge programme platform: semantic standards and workbench for crop science.”, International journal of plant genomics, vol. 2008, p. 369601, 2008.
, “Gramene: a growing plant comparative genomics resource.”, Nucleic acids research, vol. 36, pp. D947-53, 2008.
, “Ground Beetle (Coleoptera: Carabidae) Assemblages in Conventional and Diversified Crop Rotation Systems”, Environmental Entomology, vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 121 - 130, 2008.
, “Habitat modification inhibits conspecific seedling recruitment in populations of an invasive ecosystem engineer”, Biological Invasions, vol. 10, no. 5, pp. 729 - 741, 2008.
, “Human hair as a nutrient source for horticultural crops”, HortTechnology, vol. 18, no. 4, 2008.
, “Human Hair as Nutrient Source for Horticultural Crops”, HortTechnology, vol. 18, pp. 592-596, 2008.
, “‘I'm getting desperate’: what we know about farmers' markets that fail”, Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, vol. 23, no. 03, pp. 188 - 199, 2008.
, “Impacto del castor en la estructura de bosques ribereños de Nothofagus pumilio en Tierra del Fuego, Chile”, Bosque (Valdivia), vol. 29, no. 2, 2008.
, Implications for India of the May 2008 draft agricultural modalities. International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development, 2008.
, “Incidence of Phytophthora and Pythium infection and the relation to cultural conditions in commercial blueberry fields”, HortScience, vol. 43, 2008.
, “Inhibition of gap junctional intercellular communication by the green tea polyphenol (-)-epigallocatechin gallate in normal rat liver epithelial cells.”, J Agric Food Chem, vol. 56, no. 21, pp. 10422-7, 2008.
, “Inhibition of gap junctional intercellular communication by the green tea polyphenol (-)-epigallocatechin gallate in normal rat liver epithelial cells.”, J Agric Food Chem, vol. 56, no. 21, pp. 10422-7, 2008.
, “Inhibition of gap junctional intercellular communication by the green tea polyphenol (-)-epigallocatechin gallate in normal rat liver epithelial cells.”, J Agric Food Chem, vol. 56, no. 21, pp. 10422-7, 2008.
, “Inhibition of gap junctional intercellular communication by the green tea polyphenol (-)-epigallocatechin gallate in normal rat liver epithelial cells.”, J Agric Food Chem, vol. 56, no. 21, pp. 10422-7, 2008.
, “Internal controls for quantitative polymerase chain reaction of swine mammary glands during pregnancy and lactation.”, J Dairy Sci, vol. 91, no. 8, pp. 3057-66, 2008.
, “Intraplastidial trafficking of a phage-type RNA polymerase is mediated by a thylakoid RING-H2 protein.”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 105, pp. 9123-8, 2008.