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D. J. Lyon, Hulting, A. G., and Morishita, D. W., Integrated Management of Feral Rye in Winter Wheat, PNW 660, 2014.
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J. S. Meier, Liesegang, A., Louhaichi, M., Hilali, M., Rischkowsky, B., Kreuzer, M., and Marquardt, S., Intake pattern and nutrient supply of lactating sheep selecting dried forage from woody plants and straw offered in binary or multiple choice, Animal Feed Science and Technology, vol. 188, pp. 1 - 12, 2014.
A. S. Ross, Instrumental Measurement of Physical Properties of Cooked Asian Wheat Flour Noodles, Cereal Chemistry Journal, vol. 83, no. 1, pp. 42 - 51, 2006.
A. R. Borneman, Zeppel, R., Chambers, P. J., and Curtin, C. D., Insights into the Dekkera bruxellensis genomic landscape: comparative genomics reveals variations in ploidy and nutrient utilisation potential amongst wine isolates., PLoS Genet, vol. 10, no. 2, p. e1004161, 2014.
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A. Biondi, Wang, X. G., Miller, J. C., Miller, B., Shearer, P. W., Zappala, L., Siscaro, J., Walton, V. M., Hoelmer, K. A., and Daane, K. M., Innate olfactory responses Asobara japonica toward fruits infested by the invasive Spotted Wing Drosophila, Journal of Insect Behavior, vol. 30, pp. 495-506, 2017.
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T. M. Hazzard, Rohan, R. M., Molskness, T. A., Fanton, J. W., D'Amato, R. J., and Stouffer, R. L., Injection of Antiangiogenic Agents into the Macaque Preovulatory Follicle, Endocrine, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 199 - 206, 2002.