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Conference Paper
D. Bachelet, Ferschweiler, K., Sheehan, T., Zhu, Z., and Sleeter, B. M., Humans and fire shape the land: climate change only exacerbates the trends, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2013.
J. H. Flores Cervantes, Abatzoglou, J. T., Hegewisch, K., Bachelet, D., Mote, P., and Lettenmaier, D. P., Hydrologic Prediction in the Pacific Northwest: An Integrated Scenarios Approach, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2013.
J. Sun, Baker, B., Bachelet, D., Daly, C., Ma, J., and Liu, J., Impact of climate change in the Hengduan Mountains of northwestern Yunnan, PR China: vegetation distribution change in the foretime and future, in SPIE Optics+ Photonics, 2006.
J. Sun, Baker, B., Bachelet, D., Daly, C., Ma, J., and Liu, J., Impact of climate change in the Hengduan Mountains of northwestern Yunnan, PR China: vegetation distribution change in the foretime and future, in SPIE Optics+ Photonics, 2006.
R. S. Degagne, Bachelet, D., Grossman, D., Lundin, M., and Ward, B. C., Implementation of a Web-Based Spatial Carbon Calculator for Latin America and the Caribbean, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2013.
K. Walburger, Delcurto, T., Vavra, M., Bryant, L., and Kie, J. G., Influence of a Grazing System and Aspect, North vs. South, on the Nutritional Quality of Forages, and Performance and Distribution of Cattle Grazing Forested Rangelands, in Proceedings of the Western Section, American Society of Animal Science, 2000.
M. H. Cosh, Ochsner, T., Basara, J., ,, Hatch, C., Selker, J., Small, E., Steele-Dunne, S., and Zreda, M., Inter-comparison of soil moisture sensors from the soil moisture active passive marena Oklahoma in situ sensor testbed (SMAP-MOISST), in Meeting Abstract, 2014.
G. Bowen, Kennedy, C., Good, S. P., and Ehleringer, J., Isotopic metrics for structure, connectivity, and residence time in urban water supply systems, in EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 2014.
M. Berbeco, Steenwerth, K. L., Jackson, L. E., Higgins, C. W., Yu, O., Greenhut, R. F., and O'Geen, T., Landscape-level variation in greenhouse gas emissions in vineyards of central California, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2011.
L. Wang, Caylor, K. K., Good, S. P., Villegas, J. C., and Breshears, D. D., Landscape-scale observations of plant water use using continuous stable isotope monitoring, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2009.
N. Vercauteren, Froidevaux, M., Higgins, C. W., Bou-Zeid, E., and Parlange, M. B., Large Eddy Simulation investigation of evaporation from open water bodies, in 10th EMS Annual Meeting, 10th European Conference on Applications of Meteorology (ECAM) Abstracts, held Sept. 13-17, 2010 in Zürich, Switzerland. http://meetings. copernicus. org/ems2010/, id. EMS2010-555, 2010.
M. Diebold, Higgins, C. W., Lehning, M., Bou-Zeid, E., and Parlange, M. B., Large Eddy Simulation over three-dimensional mountain topography, in 10th EMS Annual Meeting, 10th European Conference on Applications of Meteorology (ECAM) Abstracts, held Sept. 13-17, 2010 in Zürich, Switzerland. http://meetings. copernicus. org/ems2010/, id. EMS2010-361, 2010.
D. W. Bohnert, Mills, R. R., Stalker, L. A., Nyman, A. A., and Falck, S. J., Late gestation supplementation of beef cows: effects on cow and calf performance, in Proceedings of the Western Section of American Society of Animal Science, 2010.
D. D. Myrold, Bottomley, P. J., Högberg, M. N., Högberg, P., and Sulzman, E. W., Linking microbial communities to activity in soil with molecular and stable isotope techniques, in Linking Management to Global Climate Challenges: The Proceedings of the International Symposium on Forest Soils and Ecosystem Health, Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia, 2007.
T. Jonas Brauchli, Bigler, N., Bahr, A., Weijs, S. Vincent, Higgins, C. W., and Huwald, H., A low-cost sensible heat flux sensor for potential use in wireless sensor networks and citizen observatories, in 12th Swiss Geoscience Meeting, 2014.
T. Jonas Brauchli, Bigler, N., Bahr, A., Weijs, S. Vincent, Higgins, C. W., and Huwald, H., A low-cost sensible heat flux sensor for potential use in wireless sensor networks and citizen observatories, in 12th Swiss Geoscience Meeting, 2014.
T. Jonas Brauchli, Bigler, N., Bahr, A., Weijs, S. Vincent, Higgins, C. W., and Huwald, H., A low-cost sensible heat flux sensor for potential use in wireless sensor networks and citizen observatories, in 12th Swiss Geoscience Meeting, 2014.
D. W. Bohnert and Merrill, M. L., Management strategies for use of high-alkaloid grass seed straw, in Proceedings of the 41st annual Pacific Northwest nutrition conference’, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.(Ed. M von Keyserlingk) pp, 2006.
A. Bahr, Evans, C., Martinoli, A., Huwald, H., Higgins, C. W., and Parlange, M., Measuring sensible heat flux with high spatial density, in Sensors Applications Symposium (SAS), 2012 IEEE, 2012.
F. W. R. Chaplen, Pérez, J., Bottomley, P. J., Buchanan, A., Murthy, G. S., Chang, J. H., and Sayavedra-Soto, L. A., Model integration for elucidating the coupled environmental dynamics of the nitrifying bacteria Nitrosomonas europaea and Nitrobacter winogradskyi, in ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 2014.
F. W. R. Chaplen, Pérez, J., Bottomley, P. J., Buchanan, A., Murthy, G. S., Chang, J. H., and Sayavedra-Soto, L. A., Model integration for elucidating the coupled environmental dynamics of the nitrifying bacteria Nitrosomonas europaea and Nitrobacter winogradskyi, in ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 2014.
R. P. Neilson, Lenihan, J. M., Bachelet, D., Drapek, R., and , Modeling the Future Global Carbon Balance: Is there a threshold from terrestrial sink to source in the Near Future?, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2009.
T. O. T. Read, Bense, V. F., Krause, S., Bour, O., Le Borgne, T., and Selker, J., Monitoring fluid velocity using Active-Distributed Temperature Sensing (A-DTS), in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2014.
T. O. T. Read, Bense, V. F., Krause, S., Bour, O., Le Borgne, T., and Selker, J., Monitoring fluid velocity using Active-Distributed Temperature Sensing (A-DTS), in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2014.
R. A. Scanlan, Barbour, J. F., BODYFELT, F. L. O. Y. D. W., and Libbey, L. M., N-Nitrosodimethylamine in nonfat dry milk, in ACS symposium series (USA), 1994.