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Conference Proceedings
S. RR and C, B., Effects of pollen quality (diversity) on honey bee physiology, immunocompetence and colony growth, American Bee Research Conference. Riverdale, MD, 2012.
S. RR and C, B., Effects of pollen quality on honey bee nutritional status and colony growth, American Bee Research Conference. Orlando, FL, 2010.
S. RR and T, P., Effects of protein constrained brood food on honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) pollen foraging and colony growth, IUSSI World Congress. Washington DC, 2006.
S. RR and T, P., Effects of soybean trypsin inhibitor on hypopharyngeal gland protein content and colony level foraging behavior of the honey bee, Joint meeting of AAPA, USDA north central regional project 202, American Bee Research Conference. Reno, NV, 2005.
S. RR and T, P., Effects of soybean trypsin inhibitor on hypopharyngeal gland protein content, total midgut protease activity and survival of the honey bee (Apis mellifera L.), Entomological Society of America. Fort Lauderdale, FL, 2005.
S. RR and T, P., Effects of soybean trypsin inhibitor on hypopharyngeal gland protein content, total midgut protease activity and survival of the honey bee (Apis mellifera L.), Entomological Society of America. Salt Lake City, UT, 2004.
J. Ranches, O'Connor, R., Johnson, D. D., Davies, K. W., Bates, J. D., Boyd, C. S., Bohnert, D. W., and Parker, T., Effects of Virtual Fence Monitored by Global Positioning System on Beef Cattle Behavior, Translational Animal Science, vol. 5. pp. S144 - S148, 2021.
A. F. Murphy, Cating, R. A., Hamm, P. B., and Rondon, S. I., Evaluating sources of aphid vectors and Potato Virus Y in eastern Oregon and Washington, 98th Annual Meeting of the Potato Association of America. Potato Association of America, Spokane, Washington, p. 64, 2014.
S. I. Rondon and Echegaray, E., Evaluating the effectiveness of pesticides in controlling potato psyllids, 98th Annual Meeting of the Potato Association of America. Potato Association of America, Spokane, Washington, p. 81, 2014.
J. J. Rothleutner, Contreras, R., and Stockwell, V., Evaluation of fire blight resistance of 31 species of Cotoneaster, Proc. 57th Ann. SNA Res. Conf., vol. 57:276-278. 2012.
F. Workneh, Goodlsby, J. A., Henne, D. C., Rashed, A., Saetzold, L., Hamm, P. B., Rondon, S. I., and Rush, C. M., Exploratory assessments of weather variable in relation to psyllid/ZC prevalence, 11th Annual Zebra Chip Reporting Session. Zebra Chip Reporting Session, San Antonio, Texas, pp. 6-7, 2011.
F. Workneh, Goodlsby, J. A., Henne, D. C., Rashed, A., Saetzold, L., Hamm, P. B., Rondon, S. I., and Rush, C. M., Exploratory assessments of weather variable in relation to psyllid/ZC prevalence, 11th Annual Zebra Chip Reporting Session. Zebra Chip Reporting Session, San Antonio, Texas, pp. 6-7, 2011.
F. Workneh, Goodlsby, J. A., Henne, D. C., Rashed, A., Saetzold, L., Hamm, P. B., Rondon, S. I., and Rush, C. M., Exploratory assessments of weather variable in relation to psyllid/ZC prevalence, 11th Annual Zebra Chip Reporting Session. Zebra Chip Reporting Session, San Antonio, Texas, pp. 6-7, 2011.
B. V. Tuck, Roberts, D. E., Kerr, S. R., M., C., Mills, R. R., Fouts, J. D., Esser, A., and Viebrock, M., Farm Succession and Estate Planning with Professional Coaching for Participating Families., Proceedings of the National Small Farms Conference. p. 35, 2009.
B. V. Tuck, Roberts, D. E., Kerr, S. R., M., C., Mills, R. R., Fouts, J. D., Esser, A., and Viebrock, M., Farm Succession and Estate Planning with Professional Coaching for Participating Families, Proceedings of the National Risk Management Education Conference. p. 24, 2004.
D. E. Roberts, Tuck, B. V., Kerr, S. R., Fouts, J. D., Esser, A., Viebrock, M., Mills, R. R., and M., C., Farm Succession Planning With Personal Coaching for Participants, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting and Professional Improvement Conference. 2009.
A. F. Murphy and Rondon, S. I., Few ecological aspects of the beet leafhopper (Circulifer tenellus Baker) in the lower Columbia Basin, 71st annual Pacific Northwest Insect Management Conference. Pacific Northwest Insect Management Conference, Portland, Oregon, pp. 73-74, 2012.
S. I. Rondon, Grasshoppers in irrigated agriculture in the Columbia Basin, Washington and Oregon Conference. Washington and Oregon Conference, pp. 37-38, 2012.
R. A. Cating, Rondon, S. I., and Hamm, P. B., High-fidelity PCR improves detection of zebra chip (Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum) in potato tubers, plants and potato psyllids (Bactericera cockerelli) when compared to a conventional protocol, 98th Annual Meeting of the Potato Association of America. Potato Association of America, Spokane, Washington, p. 53, 2014.
J. E. Eggers, Rondon, S. I., Murphy, A. F., and Hamm, P. B., Importance of potato volunteers as a source of ‘Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum’ in the Columbia Basin of Oregon and Washington, 2013 American Phytologist Society/ American Mycological Society Joint Meeting. American Phytologist Society and American Mycological Society , Austin, Texas, p. 421, 2013.
R. Contreras and Ruter, J. M., Induced polyploidy in Japanese cedar, Proc. 55th Ann. SNA Res. Conf., vol. 55:25-29. 2010.
M. - A. C, MI, O., Z, H., M, N., RN, B., and H, N., Induction of 9-cis-epoxycarotenoid dioxygenase in Arabidopsis thaliana seeds enhances seed dormancy, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 108. pp. 17225-17229, 2011.
N. Kaur, Dung, J. K. S., Cating, R. A., Alderman, S. C., Walenta, D. L., Rondon, S. I., and Hamm, P. B., Insect abundance and its association with ergot disease of grass seed crops, 74th Annual Pacific Northwest Insect Management Conference. Pacific Northwest Insect Management Conference, Portland, Oregon, pp. 41-44, 2015.
C. Mills and Rondon, S. I., Insect ID: the top new arrivals in eastern Oregon in 2013, 73nd Annual Pacific Northwest Insect Management Conference. Pacific Northwest Insect Management Conference, p. 119, 2014.
S. I. Rondon and Marchosky, R., Insect Identification Report Update, 70th annual Pacific Northwest Insect Management Conference. Pacific Northwest Insect Management Conference, Portland, Oregon, pp. 57-59, 2011.