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R. D, RNP, G., FB, P., and C. Baker, S., Description of a new subspecies of Commerson's dolphin, Cephalorhynchus commersonii (Lacépède, 1804), inhabiting the coastal waters of the Kerguelen Islands, Mammalia, 2007.
H. D., Sullivan, D. M., Owen, J. S., and Hart, J. M., Soil test interpretation guide, Oregon State University, Extension Service, 2011.
G. D., Stock, T., Hurley, J., Nair, S., Fournier, A. J., and Li, S., School IPM Plan Template for Tribal Communities, 2015.
H. D., Hart, J. M., Flowers, M. D., Lutcher, L. K., Wysocki, D. J., M., C., and Bohle, M., Nutrient Management Guide: Irrigated Soft White Winter Wheat (Eastern Oregon), Oregon State Extension Service Publication , 2010.
G. D., Stock, T., Nair, S., Shujuan, L., Bryks, S., Hurley, J., and Fournier, A. J., Preparing Your School Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Plan, Arizona Cooperative Extension publication, vol. AZ1669, 2015.
M. I. J. D. and Grevstad, F., Natural enemies of invasive knotweeds in the Pacific Northwest, U.S. Forest Service, Northern Region, FHTET-2010-02, 2010.
G. D., Nair, S., Shujuan, L., and Stock, T., Pest-Proofing Your Home, Arizona Cooperative Extension publication, vol. AZ1677, 2015.
M. I. J. D. and Weatherspoon, C. P., On conducting a multi-site, multi-disciplinary forestry research project: lessons from the national fire and fire surrogate study, Forest Science, vol. 56, pp. 4-17, 2010.
M. I. J. D. and McNeil, R., Soil disturbance and hill-slope sediment transport after logging of a severely burned site in northeastern Oregon , Western J Applied Forestry, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 123-133, 2006.
H. D., Ellsworth, J. W., Hopkins, B. G., Sullivan, D. M., and Stevens, R. G., Managing salt-affected soils for crop production, Oregon State University Extension Service, 2007.
G. D., Li, S., Fournier, A. J., Stock, T., Romero, A., Young, D., Nair, S., Foss, C., Kerzee, R., Stone, D., and Dunn, M., Quality of Life Impacts of Bed Bug (Cimex lectularis L.) Infestations, 8th International IPM Symposium. Salt Lake City, Utah, 2015.
M. I. J. D. and Fettig, C., Ecological consequences of alternative fuel reduction treatments in seasonally dry forests: the national fire and fire surrogate study, Forest Science, vol. 56, pp. 2-3, 2010.
K. M. Daane, Wang, X. - G., Biondi, A., Miller, B., Miller, J. C., Riedl, H., Shearer, P. W., Guerrieri, E., Giorgini, M., Buffington, M., van Achterberg, K., Song, Y., Kang, T., Yi, H., Jung, C., Lee, D. Woon, Chung, B. - K., Hoelmer, K. A., and Walton, V. M., First exploration of parasitoids of Drosophila suzukii in South Korea as potential classical biological agents, Journal of Pest Science, vol. 89, no. 31, pp. 823 - 835, 2016.
K. M. Daane, Malakar-Kuenen, R. D., and Walton, V. M., Temperature-dependent development of Anagyrus pseudococci (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) as a parasitoid of the vine mealybug, Planococcus ficus (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae), Biological Control, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 123 - 132, 2004.
K. M. Daane, Sime, K. R., Wang, X. - G., Nadel, H., Johnson, M. W., Walton, V. M., Kirk, A., and Pickett, C. H., Psyttalia lounsburyi (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), potential biological control agent for the olive fruit fly in California, Biological Control, vol. 44, no. 1, pp. 79 - 89, 2008.
K. M. Daane, Wang, X. - G., Biondi, A., Miller, B., Miller, J. C., Riedl, H., Shearer, P. W., Guerrieri, E., Giorgini, M., Buffington, M., van Achterberg, K., Song, Y., Kang, T., Yi, H., Jung, C., Lee, D. W., Chung, B. - K., Hoelmer, K. A., and Walton, V. M., First exploration of parasitoids Drosophila suzukii in South Korea as potential classical biological control agents, Journal of Pest Science, vol. 89, pp. 823-835, 2016.
K. M. Daane, Middleton, M. C., Sforza, R., Cooper, M. L., Walton, V. M., Walsh, D. B., Zaviezo, T., and Almeida, R. P. P., Development of a Multiplex PCR for Identification of Vineyard Mealybugs, Environmental Entomology, vol. 40, no. 6, pp. 1595 - 1603, 2011.
M. A. Daeschel and Bruslind, L., Beer spoilage reducing methods and compositions, World Intellectual Property Organisation, PCT, WO99/07821, 1999.
M. A. Daeschel and Udompijitkul, P., Microbial safety concerns of berry fruit, FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY-NEW YORK-MARCEL DEKKER-, vol. 168, p. 229, 2007.
R. Daetz, Cunha, F., Bittar, J. H., Risco, C. A., Magalhaes, F., Maeda, Y., Santos, J. E. P., Jeong, K. C., Cooke, R. F., and ão, K. N., Clinical response after chitosan microparticle administration and preliminary assessment of efficacy in preventing metritis in lactating dairy cows, Journal of Dairy Science, vol. 99, no. 11, pp. 8946 - 8955, 2016.
S. Dagdeviren, Jung, D. Young, Friedline, R. H., Noh, H. Lim, Kim, J. Hun, Patel, P. R., Tsitsilianos, N., Inashima, K., Tran, D. A., Hu, X., Loubato, M. M., Craige, S. M., Kwon, J. Yeon, Lee, K. Won, and Kim, J. K., IL-10 prevents aging-associated inflammation and insulin resistance in skeletal muscle., FASEB J, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 701-710, 2017.
S. Dagdeviren, Jung, D. Young, Lee, E., Friedline, R. H., Noh, H. Lim, Kim, J. Hun, Patel, P. R., Tsitsilianos, N., Tsitsilianos, A. V., Tran, D. A., Tsougranis, G. H., Kearns, C. C., Uong, C. P., Kwon, J. Yeon, Muller, W., Lee, K. Won, and Kim, J. K., Altered Interleukin-10 Signaling in Skeletal Muscle Regulates Obesity-Mediated Inflammation and Insulin Resistance., Mol Cell Biol, vol. 36, no. 23, pp. 2956-2966, 2016.
M. L. Dalebout, C. Baker, S., Steel, D. J., Robertson, K. M., Chivers, S. J., Perrin, W. F., Mead, J. G., RV, G., and TD, S., A divergent mtDNA lineage among Mesoplodon beaked whales: Molecular evidence for a new species in the tropical pacific?, Marine Mammal Science, 2007.
M. Dalebout, Steel, D., and C. Baker, S., Phylogeny of the Beaked Whale Genus Mesoplodon (Ziphiidae: Cetacea) Revealed by Nuclear Introns: Implications for the Evolution of Male Tusks, Systematic Biology, vol. 57, no. 6, pp. 857 - 875, 2008.
M. L. Dalebout, C. Baker, S., Steel, D., Thompson, K. F., Robertson, K. M., Chivers, S. J., Perrin, W. F., Goonatilake, M., R. Anderson, C., Mead, J. G., Potter, C. W., Thompson, L., Jupiter, D., and Yamada, T. K., Resurrection of Mesoplodon hotaula Deraniyagala 1963: A new species of beaked whale in the tropical Indo-Pacific, Marine Mammal Science, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 1081 - 1108, 2014.