COVID-19 Resources
CDC, FDA and USDA are not aware of any reports at this time that suggest COVID-19 can be transmitted by food or food packaging. Current evidence shows the biggest risk of transmission of COVID-19 is being around individuals who are symptomatic. Food businesses should be following employee health policies and local health department recommendations to keep these individuals home.
Photo Credit: CDC; Alissa Eckert, MSMI, Dan Higgins, MAMS; 2020
Factsheets- English
Food Industry Resources
*Accessibility and Usage information for all food industry resources can be found here.
Cleaning and Disinfection in Workplace (New)
Infograph: Cleaning and disinfecting
Infograph: Cleaning and disinfecting in the facility
Infograph: Cleaning and sanitizing in the field
General Prevention (New)
Infograph: How to wear a mask appropriately
Infograph: Preventing the spread of COVID-19
Infograph: Stop the spread of COVID-19
Infograph: Types of face coverings
Preventing the Spread- Worker Housing (New)
Infograph: How to disinfect
Infograph: Preventing spread in the bathroom
Infograph: Preventing spread in the bedroom
Infograph: Preventing spread in the kitchen and living areas
Infograph: Preventing spread in shared spaces
Infograph: Protect yourself
Preventing the Spread- Worker Transportation (New)
Infograph: Recommendations for drivers
Infograph: Recommendations for managers
Infograph: Recommendations for passengers
Symptoms, Screening, and Exposure (New)
Infograph: Conducting symptomatic screening
Infograph: If you have symptoms at home
Infograph: If you have symptoms at work
Infograph: Symptoms of COVID-19
Infograph: Worker exposure
General FAQs
Is Coronavirus a Food Safety Issue?
Farms, Gardens, and Produce
Best Practices for Agribusiness Updated 4/22/2020
FAQs for Community Gardens Updated 4/22/2020
FAQs for Farmers Markets Updated 4/22/2020
Factsheet: Steps for Farm Stand Operators Updated 4/22/2020
FAQs for U-Pick Farms Updated 4/22/2020
Factsheet: Is Coronavirus a concern on fresh produce? Updated 4/22/2020
Factsheet: Is Coronavirus an issue in produce production? Updated 4/22/2020
Factsheet: Produce farms and packinghouses Updated 4/22/2020
Grocery Stores
FAQs for cleaning and disinfection Updated 3/26/2020
Factsheet: General questions and employee health Updated 4/22/2020
Factsheet: Receiving and food packaging Updated 3/25/2020
FAQs for Food Banks
Factsheet: Best practices and communication Updated 4/22/2020
Factsheet: Receiving food and cleaning Updated 3/25/2020
FAQs for cleaning and disinfection Updated 3/26/2020
FAQs for general questions and employee health Updated 4/22/2020
FAQs for receiving and packaging food Updated 3/25/2020
Factsheet: Cleaning and disinfection Updated 3/25/2020
Factsheet: Clean your hands often Updated 4/22/2020
Factsheet: Cleaning and disinfecting reusable bags
FAQs: Is Coronavirus a concern at grocery stores? Updated 4/22/2020
Factsheet: Homemade hand sanitizer Updated 3/30/2020
Factsheet: Preparing for an outbreak in your community
FAQs: Is Coronavirus a concern with takeout? Updated 3/24/2020
FAQs: Shopping and handling groceries Updated 4/22/2020
Factsheet: What to do if you are sick?
Social Media- English
General FAQs
Is Coronavirus a Food Safety Issue?
Clean your hands often Updated 4/22/2020
Cleaning and disinfecting reusable bags
Homemade hand sanitizer Updated 3/30/2020
Is Coronavirus a concern at grocery stores? Updated 4/22/2020
Is Coronavirus a concern with takeout? Updated 3/24/2020
Factsheets - Spanish
Food Industry Resources
Cleaning and Disinfection in the Workplace (New)
Infograph: Limpiando y desinfectando (Cleaning and disinfecting)
Infograph: Limpiando y desinfectando en la facilidad (Cleaning and disinfecting in the facility)
Infograph: Limpiando y sanitizando en el campo (Cleaning and sanitizing in the field)
General Prevention (New)
Infograph: Uso apropiado del cubrebocas (How to wear a mask appropriately)
Infograph: Detén la propagación del COVID-19 (Preventing the spread of COVID-19)
Infograph: Detén la propagación del COVID-19 (Stop the spread of COVID-19)
Infograph: Tipos de cubrebocas (Types of face coverings)
Preventing the Spread- Worker Housing (New)
Infograph: Como desinfectar (How to disinfect)
Infograph: Evitando la propagación del COVID-19 dentro de la vivienda en el baño (Preventing spread in the bathroom)
Infograph: Evitando la propagación del COVID-19 dentro de la vivienda en la habitación (Preventing spread in the bedroom)
Infograph: Evitando la propagación del COVID-19 dentro de la vivienda en la cocina y en la sala (Preventing spread in the kitchen and living areas)
Infograph: Evitando la propagación del COVID-19 dentro de la vivienda espacios compartidos (Preventing spread in shared spaces)
Infograph: Evitando la propagación del COVID-19 dentro de la vivienda protégete (Protect yourself)
Preventing the Spread- Worker Transportation (New)
Infograph: Recomendaciones para conductores de transportacíon para trabajadores (Recommendations for drivers)
Infograph: Recomendaciones para supervisores (Recommendations for managers)
Infograph: Recomendaciones para pasajeros (Recommendations for passengers)
Symptoms, Screening, and Exposure (New)
Infograph: Detectando síntomas del COVID-19 (Conducting symptomatic screening)
Infograph: Si tienes síntomas de COVID-19 en casa (If you have symptoms at home)
Infograph: Si tienes síntomas de COVID-19 en el trabajo (If you have symptoms at work)
Infograph: Reconoce los síntomas de COVID-19 (Symptoms of COVID-19)
Infograph: Si un trabajador ha sido expuesto al COVID-19 (Worker exposure)
Farms, Gardens, and Produce
New- Granjas de frutas y verduras, y empacadoras (Handling COVID-19: Produce Farms and Packinghouses)
¿Me debo preocupar del Coronavirus en las frutas y verduras? (Is Coronavirus a concern on fresh produce?) Updated 5/21/2020
Medidas de precaucón para los mercados y sus encargados (FAQs for Farmers Markets) Updated 5/21/2020
Medidas para operadores de puestos agrícolas (Steps for Farm Stand Operators) Updated 5/21/2020
New- Mejores Prácticas para Agronegocios (Best practices for Agribusiness)
Pasos para encargados de huertas y jardineros (FAQs for Community gardens) Updated 5/21/2020
Pasos para los encargados de las granjas (FAQs for U-Pick Farms) Updated 5/21/2020
¿Puede ser el Coronavirus un problema en la producción de frutas o verduras? (Is Coronavirus an issue in produce production?) Updated 5/21/2020
Food Banks
Mejores prácticas y comunicación (FAQs: Best practices and communication) Updated 5/19/2020
Recepcion de alimentos y limpieza (FAQs: Receiving food and cleaning)
Limpiando y desinfectando (FAQs: Cleaning and disinfection)
Preguntas generales y salud de los empleados (FAQs: General questions and employee health) Updated 5/19/2020
Recepción de alimentos y sus empaques (FAQs: Receiving and food packaging)
Grocery Stores
Limpiando y desinfectando (FAQs: Cleaning and disinfection)
Preguntas generales y salud de los empleados (FAQs: General questions and employee health) Updated 5/19/2020
Recepción de alimentos y sus empaques (FAQs: Receiving and food packaging)
Home and Community
Como prepararse contra un brote en su comunidad (Preparing for an outbreak in your community)
New- Compra y manejo de comestibles (Shopping and handling groceries)
Desinfectante de manos hecho en casa (Homemade hand sanitizer)
¿Es el Coronavirus un problema de seguridad en los alimentos? (Food Safety and COVID-19)
Lavando y desinfectando bolsas reutilizables (Reusable bags)
Lávese las manos frecuentemente (Clean your hands often) Updated 5/19/2020
Limpiando y desinfectando (Cleaning and disinfection)
¿Me debo preocupar del Coronavirus cuando voy al supermercado? (Is Coronavirus a concern at grocery stores?) Updated 5/19/2020
¿Me debo preocupar del Coronavirus y la comida para llevar? (Is Coronavirus a concern with takeout?)
¿Qué hacer si está enfermo? (What to do if you are sick)
Social Media - Spanish
Home and Community
Como prepararse contra un brote en su comunidad (Preparing for an outbreak in your community)
Desinfectante de manos hecho en casa (Homemade hand sanitizer)
¿Es el Coronavirus un problema de seguridad en los alimentos? (General Food Safety and COVID-19)
Lavando y desinfectando bolsas reutilizables (Reusable bags)
Lávese las manos frecuentemente (Clean your hands often) Updated 5/19/2020
Limpiando y desinfectando (Cleaning and disinfection)
¿Me debo preocupar del Coronavirus cuando voy al supermercado? (Is Coronavirus a concern at grocery stores?) Updated 5/19/2020
¿Me debo preocupar del Coronavirus y la comida para llevar? (Is Coronavirus a concern with takeout?)
¿Qué hacer si está enfermo? (What to do if you are sick)
We kindly thank our colleagues at Emory University and North Carolina State University Extension for the creation of these fact sheets and social media images.
*For more fact sheets and social media resources from the North Carolina State University Extension team, please visit the new FoodCoVNET website: and the NC State COVID-19 website:
To view references used to create these resources and meet the review panel, check out NC State's reference page
Additional Resources
AFDO: Best Practices for Conducting Produce Farm Inspections during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Agriculture Workers and Employers: Interim Guidance from CDC and the U.S. Department of Labor
Community Alliance with Family Farmers (CAFF): How to prepare for labor shortages
Community Alliance with Family Farmers (CAFF): How to run CSA pickup sites during COVID-19
Considerations for Food Pantries and Food Distribution Sites (CDC)
Considerations for Outdoor Farmers Markets (CDC)
Considerations for Outdoor Learning and Community Gardens (CDC)
International Commission on Microbiological Specifications for Foods (ICMSF) opinion on SARS-CoV-2 and its relationship to food safety
National Pesticide Information Center: Using disinfectants to control the COVID-19 virus guidance
NC Department of Health and Human Services: COVID-19 Guidance for Migrant Farm Workers and their Employees
University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa-College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources: COVID-19 Farm Food Safety Reminders
Utah State University: Is it Safe to Eat Restaurant Foods during Coronavirus Concerns?
Washington Produce Industry Guidance
Washington State Department of Agriculture: COVID-19 and Food Production- Available in English and Spanish
Washington State Department of Agriculture: COVID-19 and Food Storage Warehouses- Available in English and Spanish
Washington State Department of Health: Recommendations for Temporary Worker Housing
CDC Food and Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Food Northwest COVID-19 Resources
Food Safety Resource Clearinghouse
Institute for Food Safety at Cornell University
Local Food System Response to COVID Resource Hub - created through a USDA cooperative agreement with the University of Kentucky, Colorado State University, and Pennsylvania State University
National Environmental Health Association
National Farm to School Network: COVID-19 Information and Resources
National Pesticide Information Center
FDA Updates
FDA Briefings
Food stakeholders call was held on March 18th, 2020 to discuss food safety questions related to COVID-19. Audio files and transcripts are available for review:
FDA Guidance
- Best Practices for Retail Food Stores, Restaurants, and Food Pick-up/Delivery Services during the COVID-19 Pandemic. To view the factsheet, please click here. To view the summary infographic, please click here. Issued 4/9/2020
- Fact Sheet for safely distributing unused human food use as animal food
- Reporting a Temporary Closure or Significantly Reduced Production by a Human Food Establishment and Requesting FDA Assistance During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (Issued 5/27/2020)
- Temporary Policy During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Regarding the Qualified Exemption from the Standards for the Growing, Harvesting, Packing, and Holding of Produce for Human Consumption (Issued 5/27/2020)
- Temporary policy for Preventive Controls and Foreign Supplier Verification Program (FSVP) food supplier verification onsite audit requirements (Updated 6/4/2020)
- Temporary policy regarding accredited third-party certification program onsite observation and certificate duration requirements during the COVID-19 public health emergency
Memorandum of Understanding
The USDA and FDA have announced that the agencies have signed a memorandum of understanding to support the U.S. food and agriculture sector in order for Americans to have continued access to a safe and robust food supply. To read Memorandum of Understanding 225-20-011, please click here.
Press Releases and Resources
- New- February 24, 2021: The FDA published a new web page, COVID-19 Vaccination & the Food and Agriculture Sector, to share information and resources to help employers in the Food and Agriculture sector communicate about COVID-19 vaccination to their workforce.The page includes links to information about: (i) the safety and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines authorized for emergency use by the FDA and fact sheets in more than 25 languages; (ii) a CDC tool kit in different languages with key messages to reach essential workers about COVID-19 vaccination; and (iii) information about the availability of vaccines in your community. As the COVID-19 vaccine supply increases, the FDA hopes these resources will help leadership and management of food and agriculture operations support worker vaccination. When an essential worker gets a COVID-19 vaccine, they protect themselves, their families, co-workers, and their communities. Healthy workers help to ensure the availability of a safe and plentiful food supply.
- New- February 18, 2021: After more than a year since the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak was declared a global health emergency, the USDA, the FDA and the CDC continue to underscore that there is no credible evidence of food or food packaging associated with or as a likely source of viral transmission of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the virus causing COVID-19. To read more on this update, please click here.
- December 30, 2020: The FDA published a new toolkit to help stakeholders communicate in English and Spanish about hand sanitizer safety and use during the COVID-19 pandemic. New materials include social media messages and graphics, consumer information, and health professional messaging. Furthermore, a new COVID-19 Communication Toolkits webpage provides links to all FDA toolkits on COVID-19 topics to help everyone communicate accurate and timely information.
- August 19, 2020: Employee Health and Food Safety Checklist for Human and Animal Food Operations During the COVID-19 Pandemic. The FDA and OSHA are providing this checklist for FDA-regulated human and animal food operations to use when assessing operations during the COVID-19 pandemic, especially when re-starting operations after a shut down or when reassessing operations because of changes due to the COVID-19 public health emergency caused by the virus SARS-CoV-2. To view the checklist, please click here.
- July 29, 2020: Updated FAQs: What do U.S. exporters of FDA-regulated food products need to consider related to COVID-19?
- The FDA released informational materials for food industry in Spanish, Somali, Hmong, and many other languages. This assistance provides food safety best practices for retail food stores, restaurants and food pick-up/delivery services during the COVID-19 pandemic. To view these resources, either click on the desired language in the above text or click here.
- COVID-19 Update: FDA updates on surveillance inspections during COVID-19. To view this statement, please click here.
- FAQs: Should employees in retail food and food production settings wear face coverings to prevent exposure to COVID-19? To read this article, please click here.
- Updated FAQs: How do I maintain social distancing in my food production/processing facility and food retail establishment where employees typically work within close distances. To read this article, please click here.
- COVID-19 Update (March 28, 2020) FDA takes further steps to help mitigate supply interruptions of food and medical products. To read this article, please click here.
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update: FDA focuses on safety of regulated products while scaling back domestic inspections. To read this article containing links to the checklist and infographic, please click here.
- FDA issues re-opening best practices checklist and infographic for retail food establishments that closed or partially closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. To read this article, please click here.
- FDA offers assurance about food safety and supply for people and animals during COVID-19. To read this article, please click here.
- FDA's perspective on food safety and availability during and beyond COVID-19. To read this article, please click here.
- FDA provides flexibility to the food industry to support food supply chain and meet consumer demand during COVID-19. To read this article, please click here.
- Shopping for food during the COVID-19 pandemic- Information for Consumers
- What to do if you have COVID-19 confirmed positive or exposed workers in your food production, storage, or distribution operations regulated by FDA
Alaska critical industries COVID-19 worker mitigation plan - part of health mandate 010
Department of Health and Social Services
American Samoa/Guam
Guam: Department of Public Health and Social Services COVID-19
Arizona Department of Health Services
University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Coronavirus Food, Nutrition, and Budgeting resources
California Department of Food and Agriculture COVID-19 resources
California Department of Public Health COVID-19
UC Davis COVID-19 food safety resources
Colorado Department of Agriculture COVID-19 resources
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment COVID-19
Produce Safety Collaborative COVID-19 resources
College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources University of Hawai'i at Manoa
Go Farm Hawai'i Farmer Resources
Hawai'i State Department of Health COVID-19 Resources
Department of Public Health and Human Services COVID-19
Department of Health and Human Services COVID-19
Southern Nevada Health District COVID-19
New Mexico
New Mexico Department of Health COVID-19
New Mexico State University ACES COVID-19 response Farming and Farmers Markets
New Mexico State University ACES COVID-19 response Food Safety & Handwashing
Food Processing Response Toolkit: Make a Plan for COVID-19 Mitigation in the Workplace
Governor's Executive Order 20-07
Governor's Executive Order 20-12
Oregon Department of Agriculture COVID-19
Oregon Health Authority COVID-19
Playbook for Joint Timely Response Protocol for COVID-19 Outbreak in Food Processing Establishments
New- U-Pick/Agritourism Guidance (11.25.2020)
Utah Department of Agriculture and Food COVID-19
Utah State University Extension COVID-19 Resources
Benton-Franklin Health District- Educational posters in English and Spanish
Washington State Department of Agriculture COVID-19
Washington State Department of Health
Washington State University Consumer Food Safety COVID-19 Resources