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Michael Penner

Associate Professor
mike.penner [at]
Office: 541-737-6513
mike.penner [at]
Office: 541-737-6513
Wiegand Hall
Wiegand Hall 128 B
3051 SW Campus Way
3051 SW Campus Way
Corvallis, OR 97331
My laboratory is interested in the general area of enzyme technology, with particular emphasis on projects related to the enzymatic processing of polysaccharides. We typically focus on glycan hydrolases. Our studies aim to advance the current knowledge of how these enzymes function, to determine novel methods by which their specificity may be regulated, and to find applications for the production of value added products. Current projects relate to the enzymatic saccharification of cellulose, the conversion of biomass polysaccharides to ethanol, and the application of polysaccharide debranching enzymes in the food industry.