Crafting the Future of Food

The Forefront of Safe and Sustainable Food for a Healthier World

M A K I N G   T O M O R R O W   B E T T E R

From left, Oregon State University administrative manager Sarah Haluzak, Food Science and Technology department head Lisbeth Goddik and College of Agricultural Sciences dean Staci Simonich stand in a stairway. Photo: Tim Hearden, Farm Progress

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Oregon State’s new dairy center nears completion

Under construction since 2021, a new $20 million state-of-the-art dairy processing facility at Oregon State University is nearing completion,...

flight of beer. Getty Image

How the climate is changing the taste of beer

Initially, hops were added as a preservative, not a flavouring. "It was discovered during medieval ages that hops added an antimicrobial benefit...

Apples run under an ultraviolet light bar in April along a packing line in Washington’s Yakima Valley. (Courtesy Claire Murphy/Washington State University)

Lighting the way to pathogen control in the packing house

Researchers from Oregon State University and Washington State University are studying the use of ultraviolet light on fruit packing lines.

Student holding an icecream cone standing in front of the Beaver Classic food truck. Photo by Karl Maasdam, '93

A Taste of Oregon: New ways to share student-made Beaver Classic foods.

Whether it’s a snack in the stands or ice cream from the iconic orange food truck, Beaver Classic’s student-made small-batch food products keep...

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Our Students

Going Places

Angel Hammon | Agricultural Sciences | Class of 2021 | Susanville, California

Gates Millennium Scholar | Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation

STEM Leaders | International Agriculture Club 

First Generation College Student

Faces: Alyssa Thibodeau title

Alyssa Thibodeau  | Food Science & Technology | Mesa, Arizona

First-generation college student | Food and Fermentation Science Club President

Pre-Veterinary Medical Association President |  OSU Goat Club Vice President

Golden Voice Award | Local and university scholarships

Presentation award at CAS Research Poster Showcase