Taste of Research


Experience a taste of the cutting edge science that's shaping the sustainable future of food. 

June 6th 2025 
 2:00 - 4:00 with social to follow
Wiegand Hall, OSU Corvallis Campus

A thriving food industry depends on shared knowledge.

The Taste of Research: a coming together of people and ideas that advances the quality and usefulness of food science research.

Schedule of Events

Check-in 1:00 - 2:00

East Entrance of Wiegand Hall

Flash Talks  2:00 - 4:00 PM

Graduate students from each lab in the department will give a 5 minute presentation about their research. 

Poster Session / CATERED SOCIAL HOUR - beginning at 4:00

A chance to learn what ALL of the graduate students are up to. We encourage you to visit posters not seen in the flash talks.

Tickets and Registration information coming soon  

Program Guide  2025 - coming soon

Speaker Bios 2025 - coming soon 

The Forefront of Safe and Sustainable Food for a Healthier World

Department of Food Science and Technology
Oregon State University, Wiegand Hall, Corvallis Campus