
Department Head

Photo Person Contact Information Summary of Specialty Area
Lisbeth Goddik
Department Head
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Extension Dairy Processing Specialist; Extension dairy processing; dairy products safety; product and process development; optimization of product quality.


Photo Person Contact Information Summary of Specialty Area
Zeynep Atamer photo Zeynep Atamer
Assistant Professor Senior Research
Contact person by email Dairy science & technology, dairy microbiology, dairy bacteriophages.
Cole Cerrato
Assistant Professor Senior Research
Contact person by email Chemistry of foods and beverages with a focus on smoke-affected wine analysis
Sheri Cole
Assistant Professor (Practice)
Contact person by email Food Science and Technology Work Force Training and Dairy Extension.
Christopher Curtin Christopher Curtin
Associate Professor
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Fermentation microbiology with an emphasis on brewing yeast and microbial ecology of beer production; development of new yeast strains, biology of Brettanomyces species, and the application of genomic techniques in food science.
Younas Dadmohammadi Younas Dadmohammadi
Assistant Professor
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Anna Hayes Anna Hayes
Assistant Professor
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Paul Hughes
Assistant Professor
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Beer and distilled spirit quality (taste, visual) and product stability, distilled spirits innovation including alternative methods of ethanol-water separation, accelerated- and photo-maturation of distilled spirits.
Angee Hunt
Assistant Professor of Practice
503-325-4531, Ext. 32503
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Sustainable Seafood Processing Research and Outreach
Jooyeoun Jung
Assistant Professor
Contact person by email Agricultural waste and processing byproduct utilization, sustainable packaging and processing, active packaging, edible coating, food micro and macrostructure, encapsulation and emulsion
Jovana Kovacevic
Associate Professor
Contact person by email Application of molecular methods and genomics in food safety; methods and tools to improve pathogen tracing of contamination events in the farm-to-fork food chain; stress response mechanisms, survival, and prevention of Listeria contamination.
Jung Kwon
Assistant Professor
Contact person by email Biological functions of natural dietary molecules in health promotion & disease prevention; uncovering potential health value of underutilized food resources to promote efficient utilization of harvest.
Luyao Ma
Assistant Professor
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Artificial intelligence for food safety, security, and processing; Development of smart sensors and analytical instruments for pathogen detection, food traceability, and food quality assessment; Detection and mitigation of antimicrobial-resistant bacteria in agri-food system.

 Robert McGorrin Robert Mc Gorrin
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Flavor chemistry and trace volatile analysis, flavor interactions with food components, food analysis, chromatography and separations, spectrometry, and natural products chemistry.
Woman with dark hair in front of purple and red flowers wars a pink cardigan and aqua blue shirt. Christina DeWitt
Contact person by email Focus is on efforts to improve seafood quality and safety and enhance utilization of by-products generated from seafood processing.
James P. Osborne James Osborne
Director: Oregon Wine Research Institute
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Wine microbiology with emphasis on malolactic fermentation and the microbial spoilage of wine. Influence of various wine microorganisms on wine quality.
Si Hong Park
Associate Professor
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Detection, identification and control of foodborne pathogens such as Salmonella, Listeria, Campylobacter and E. coli from farms to forks using various molecular techniques.
Michael Qian
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Flavor Chemistry, Food Analysis, and Dairy chemistry. characterization of aroma compounds, chemical and biological generation in dairy, small fruits and wines. Instrumental analysis of food components.
Yan Ping Qian
Associate Professor Senior Research
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My general research activities are chemistry, composition, and quality of post-harvest crops, with a focus on aroma and flavor compounds identification, chemical characterization, and analysis; and soil chemistry.


Andrew Ross
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Fundamental and applied research of cereal grain components, wheat-based foods (focused on food barley, noodles, and artisan breads), and bio-products from cereal grain fractions. Located in the OSU Cereal Breeding & Cereal Genetics Program.
Thomas Shellhammer Thomas Shellhammer
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Brewing science and technologies related to beer production and quality, in particular hop chemistry, flavor and quality.
David Stone
Associate Dean of International Programs
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Food safety and public health, development of value-added products in agriculture, engagement with under-represented communities in the food sector, & assessment of biotoxins and metals in marine & freshwater organisms, pathogens, and process development.
Elizabeth Tomasino
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Relationships between wine sensory and chemical data; determination and importance of chiral aroma compounds in wine; differentiation of regional wine styles.
Joy Waite-Cusic
Associate Professor of Food Safety and Quality Systems
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Food microbiology with food safety emphasis; specifically interested in pathogen prevalence studies and risk assessment, method development and validation for detection of pathogens, and process validation and surrogate development.
Dr. Marcia Walker Marcia Walker
Director: Food Innovation Center
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Qingyang Wang Qingyang Carly Wang
Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist
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Non-thermal processing technologies (cold atmospheric pressure plasma, plasma-activated water, UV, and photodynamic inactivation); sustainable manufacturing; food safety and sanitation; hurdle technologies; fruit and vegetable processing extension
Yanyun Zhao Yanyun Zhao
CAS Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs /University Distinguished Professor, Food Science and Technology
Contact person by email Development and characterization of new food processing and packaging techniques with emphasis on their applications in value-added fruit and vegetable product development.

Instructors / Advisors

Photo Person Contact Information Specialty Area
Kylie Burriss
Contact person by email

Ali Esteghlalian Alireza Esteghlalian Contact person by email

Carlos Fajardo Centeno Carlos Fajardo ... Contact person by email

Susan Queisser
Lead Advisor
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Adjunct Faculty

Photo Person Contact Information Specialty Area
Dave Dallas David Dallas
Associate Professor
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Mahfuzur Sarker Contact person by email

Bacterial pathogenesis; Molecular pathogenesis of Clostridium perfringens isolates associated with food poisoning and non-food borne gastrointestinal (GI) diseases in humans, and GI diseases in domestic animals; Mechanisms of C. perfringens sporulation,...

Courtesy Status

Photo Person Contact Information
Jayne Bock, Courtesy Appointment Contact person by email
Qiao Ding Qiao Ding, Courtesy Appointment Contact person by email
Hadi Eshpari, Courtesy Appointment Contact person by email
Christopher Hendon, Courtesy Appointment Contact person by email
Jungmin Lee, Courtesy Appointment Contact person by email
Juyun Lim, Courtesy Professor,
Sensory science with emphasis on sensory perception and sensory methodology. Current research focusing on understanding the role of human sensory perception in food preference. Developing sensory and consumer testing methodology.
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Tein Lin, Courtesy Appointment Contact person by email
Daniel Smith, Courtesy Senior Instructor II,
Undergraduate Teaching

Wiegand Hall

3051 SW Campus Way

3051 SW Campus Way
Corvallis, OR 97331
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Photo Person Contact Information Specialty Area
Alan Bakalinsky
Emeritus Appointment
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Physiology of fermentation with emphasis on the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

*Dr. Bakalinsky is no longer accepting graduate students.

Mark Daeschel
Emeritus Appointment
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Research is focused in the areas of food preservation, food safety, and food and beverage fermentation.

*Dr. Daeschel is no longer accepting graduate students.

Current investigations include: 1) Non-thermal technologies for prophylactic and intervention approaches...

Thayne Dutson
Dean Emeritus
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*Dr. Dutson is no longer accepting graduate students.

Mina Mc Daniel
Professor Emeritus
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My research interests are in the area of sensory evaluation of food. This includes study of sensory methodology, statistical analysis of sensory data, as well as utilization of sensory methods to study food quality.

*Dr. McDaniel is no longer accepting graduate students. ...

Michael Morrissey
Emeritus Appointment
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General interests include food processing, biochemistry, food safety and traceability and development of value-added products from agricultural and marine resources.

*Dr. Morrissey is no longer accepting graduate students.

Specific interests include working with...

Jae Park
Professor Emeritus
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Research Areas: Surimi and Surimi Seafood; Fish Proteins; Seafood Processing; By-product Utilization

*Dr. Park is no longer accepting graduate students.

Dr. Park has devoted his entire professional career to surimi research and education. Since...

Michael Penner Michael Penner
Associate Professor
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My laboratory is interested in the general area of enzyme technology, with particular emphasis on projects related to the enzymatic processing of polysaccharides. We typically focus on glycan hydrolases. Our studies aim to advance the current knowledge of how these enzymes function, to...

Richard Scanlan
Emeritus Appointment
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My research interests are primarily in the area of food toxicology.

*Dr. Scanlan is no longer accepting graduate students.

Areas include the chemistry of N-nitrosamine formation and the...

Neil Shay
Professor Emeritus, Ecampus Instructor
Contact person by email

Functional Foods and Their Bioactive Components: Components of fruits and vegetables that influence human metabolism, with a special focus on compounds of fruits and vegetables and their influence on heart disease and diabetes. Wine and Health

Ronald Wrolstad
Univ Dist Professor Emeritus
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The chemical composition of foods and its relationship to quality broadly describes my research interests.

*Dr. Wrolstad is no longer accepting graduate students.

Color is the quality attribute receiving most attention, with particular interest in the use of...